

David and Mary were fighting about what would happen if, sometime in the future, they found out that Tom and I were actually some sort of royalty. Like, how do they handle the sudden bump in status? What about all the wealth? Or the horses and carriages, what’s a commoner to do!? This argument was

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Will the azaleas still bloom?

Will the azaleas still bloom?

We celebrated two friends’ birthdays this week. They were both distant celebrations — gifts left in the driveway, and a drive-by “party.” My kids liked loved being a part of these celebrations, but they made the wheels start turning. “I’m glad my birthday is in the summer…” I heard someone say from the backseat on

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Thomas was at the counter struggling with scissors. I watched him for a bit, then I offered to help. Thomas watched me easily cut what he’d been struggling with and asked, “Why did they work for you and not for me?” “Because I’ve been using scissors for more years than you’ve been alive,” I answered

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Separate, together

Separate, together

Remember a week ago, when our kids were in school and we were carrying on with reckless behavior, like chatting over coffee or holding the door for strangers. Everything has changed, and in the past week the nation has quietly walked inside and closed their doors. (And then there are people who aren’t staying home.

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Recently a friend gave us a big bag of hand-me-downs. They included a bunch of clothes for Thomas, and for Mary, several pairs of boots, some pajamas, one particularly gorgeous dress, and one pair of gold sparkly high heels that are just her size. When the kids got home from school, I had all of

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Thomas, Beyblade master

Thomas, Beyblade master

You might not have heard of Beyblades. They’re these toys that spin sort of like a top. (Though, DO NOT CALL THEM TOPS IN OUR HOUSE. We have had many, many “Beyblades are basically just tops” arguments that have lead to me making a family rule that you are not, under any circumstances, allowed to

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Partners in crime, thick as thieves, and other cliches about friends who break the law

Partners in crime, thick as thieves, and other cliches about friends who break the law

I’m not sure why, but I’m suddenly really aware of Thomas and Anna’s friendship. All of my kids have individual relationships, but each one has to be forged. Maybe I’m noticing their friendship because it’s just now really emerging. Anna is finally old enough to really play and be a part of Thomas’s shenanigans (which she

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What I learned in speech therapy

What I learned in speech therapy

Anna calls David “DayDay.” She calls Mary “MayMay.” She calls Brigham “Ma,” and she knows the names of several neighborhood dogs. In an ultimate little sister power move, she doesn’t even attempt to say Thomas’s name. There are actually a lot of words Anna doesn’t attempt. She has a decent vocabulary, but she’s almost impossible

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Tom was out of town last weekend (pause for dramatic effect)(insert shock and awe)(add comment about me being the best ever and Tom being the worst ever)(remember that people do stuff like this all the time and your whining might induce a lot of justified eye rolls)(regain consciousness and move on). One of the many,

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A backyard swing set

A backyard swing set

Last summer when we were in Pennsylvania, we visited Tom’s cousin. In addition to an actual roller coaster, they also had an amazing swing set in their backyard. We really liked the size and design of this particular swing set, so Tom made a mental note to get back in touch with his cousin after

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Monkey hear, Monkey do

Monkey hear, Monkey do

A huge part of the life of a toddler is just evolving methods for getting attention. Anna’s newest strategy is to just yell: “MOM! MOM! MOOOOOOM!” Not Mommy, not Mama. Mom. It’s such a funny thing because she’s not crying, and it’s not shrill or whiny like typical toddler fussing. It’s top-of-the-lungs shouting: MOOOOOOM! It’s

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Ponytail, Mary’s way

Ponytail, Mary’s way

Mary doesn’t like a ponytail. She thinks that, with her hair pulled back from her face, she looks like a boy. I love when her hair is swept up and wrapped into a bun. When her hair is down it hides her face and distracts from her fine features. She loves when I play with

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Brother’s best friend

Brother’s best friend

One morning Anna’s pajamas were half-on. (Ok, so sometimes/all the time after a diaper change we don’t bother to wrestle Anna back into her clothes. Whatever, we get the important part taken care of.) Somehow this transformed into a game where Thomas was holding the legs of her pajamas and pretending she was a dog

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2019 Favorites from the 52 project

2019 Favorites from the 52 project

For Christmas Mary got a FitBit, and became obsessed with getting steps. (Or, more accurately, with getting more steps than David.) One of the days after Christmas was unseasonably warm so we went for a walk together. As she ran ahead on the path, it occurred to me that I went for the exact same

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Christmas morning 2019

Christmas morning 2019

Christmas morning anticipation — Tom gathers the kids on the stairs to read the Christmas story before rushing down to see presents. Before you get distracted by David and Mary’s looks of concentration, Thomas’s impish grin, or noticing that this is the first year Anna isn’t being held by one of us — before you

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The 52 Project: A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. (Alternate project title: The 52 Project: A mother frantically scrolling her camera roll on Saturday to see if she happened to take a picture of each of her children in the past week.)  David / When it’s pajama day at school

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I haven’t blogged in the past few weeks, because I haven’t been doing much of anything in the past few weeks. Anything besides knitting, that is. I’ve been frantically filling Etsy orders for Christmas, and this year has felt more stressful than other years. It’s not because I had an influx of order, I think

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Melted-crayon Christmas trees

Melted-crayon Christmas trees

Mary is on a crusade to make homemade gifts for all of her family members. Also all of her friends, classmates, people she rides the bus with, and she’ll throw in a free Christmas gift to anyone who signs up for Disney + before the end of 2019. She’s so ambitious and excited about it,

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24 months

24 months

Most families don’t talk about this, but there is usually one family member that takes up most of the energy and patience. Sometimes it’s the oldest, sometimes it’s the toddler, sometimes it’s the mom. For the past month, it’s been the almost-two-year-old. It happened out of nowhere. One day I was talking with Tom’s mom

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. We are finishing up birthday week here. We ate the last of Anna’s birthday cake for lunch, and Tom’s birthday cupcakes for snack. The week started warm, and then it snowed, and then it stayed freezing and I gathered the children for a

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I’m TWO!

I’m TWO!

There are a great many traditions I started when I had my first baby. Almost none of them have lasted through the fourth (R.I.P. baby book intentions) Some things I’ve mostly given up on (R.I.P. baby book intentions) and other things I haven’t gotten around to, but I still hold out hope (like making a

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Thomas, my little herpetologist: Mommy did you know that snakes are the same as people? Except we have hands. And feet. And also talking powers. Thomas is currently in a strong animal phase. He’s always loved bugs and other creepy crawly creatures (like frogs and lizards), but now he’s old enough to remember obscure facts

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The 52 Project: A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.   David / Tom built a swing set in the backyard for the kids. As soon as they got home from school this week I’ve rushed them outside to play, because after this week it’ll be too dark.  #happyfall Mary

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A truly terrifying Halloween

A truly terrifying Halloween

BOO! Our family had a great Halloween, but as I sit typing this my eyelids are heavy and I’m feeling judged by the spooky decorations that became unseasonable 12 hours ago. I’m already feeling the busyness of the holidays and taking it as a reminder to try to slow down and enjoy the season. Perhaps this

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The pumpkin patch field trip

The pumpkin patch field trip

On the morning of Thomas’s preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch, I was in the bathroom frantically getting ready. Because she never strays farther than six inches from my heels, Anna joined me in the bathroom. She insisted, INSISTED on using my blush (I tried to just hand her the blush brush but baby

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. David and Mary / Are your kids unbelievably, impenetrably silly when they come home from school? I can take some silliness but WOW. It’s a good thing they have each other because Tom and I can’t even understand then when they’re all spun up.

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. David / It’s a bummer that this photo is blurry, because David asked me to take it. When your 8-year old asks you to take a silly photo, you grab your camera so quickly that everything ends up out of focus. (This is one

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It was so hot this week. I’m not usually one to grumble about unseasonal warmth, but this week would have been a doozy even in July. The forecast promised relief from the heat and humidity on Friday (but still no rain) so until then I called kibosh on outdoor play past 10 a.m. and exercise

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.   David / This photo is out of focus and through a window because I wanted to snap it without him noticing to send a picture to my mom. The kids have a chore chart and opportunities to do extra chores. David is really,

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Sending my kids to school in the age of active shooters

Sending my kids to school in the age of active shooters

Yesterday Anna, my 22-month old, was throwing a tantrum. She threw herself onto the floor, curled her body over her knees with her forehead pressed to the carpet, and wailed. “Look!” Mary exclaimed. “Anna is doing a lockdown drill!” David and Mary laughed and laughed at the absurdity of a lockdown drill! At home! Ha!

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The 52 Project — A photo of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.   David / The big kids are playing soccer for the first time this fall. There’s a little grove of pine trees behind the Mary’s field. While she played soccer, David made these trails through the woods for their bikes. This

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These photos were actually taken on week 33 and I never got around to posting them, so week 34 it is. Not that you’d ever notice, I’m only telling you because I’m extremely honest and this entire blog is built on trust. There’s a time when babies are teeny, and parents post weekly updates and

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Looking back on summer vacation

Looking back on summer vacation

When we got home from Deer Valley, these guys were our welcoming committee. In the spring when I planted our garden, I was so excited about all the produce. I imagined big batches of roasted tomatoes every week, slices of tomatoes with every meal, and giving excess to neighbors and friends. But (maybe you’ve already

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