
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.

David / It’s a bummer that this photo is blurry, because David asked me to take it. When your 8-year old asks you to take a silly photo, you grab your camera so quickly that everything ends up out of focus. (This is one of those Squishee things. Are your kids obsessed with them, too? Can you even with how much they cost?)


Mary / Soccer Mary. I wish this was an action shot, but I’m using it anyway for the chance to say how much Mary loves soccer. She’s having a great time, building confidence, and making friends. This is her first season playing a sport, and I’m counting it as a win.


Thomas / Every night the kids fight over who gets to have Anna snuggle in their bed before bedtime. The thing is, it’s ANNA who chooses.  This night she chose Thomas’s Spiderman bed. He’s so delighted.


Anna / This is what happens when Thomas is your teacher.


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