Fourth grade study habits

David’s study habits in fourth grade: he didn’t study. Mary’s study habits in fourth grade: creates a classroom in the dining room and forces her younger siblings to listen to her lecture. Here she is teaching Thomas and Anna about Stinky James. Want to know more about Stinky James? Sign up today! Class enrollment is

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A is for Anna! T is for Thomas! S is for Smug!

A is for Anna! T is for Thomas! S is for Smug!

MOD Pizza, Starbucks, Richmond Lager, Surge Adventure Park. Know what they all have in common? They all have Anna’s letter — the letter A. I know this because Anna shouts enthusiastically whenever she sees her letter. “MOM! GUESS WHAT I SEE!” she shouts from the back seat, straining against her straps to make her point.

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