First grade indulgences

First grade indulgences

This is Cheaty (Cheety?) and Snow Leopard. Every morning they come to the bus stop with us. Stuffed animals aren’t allowed in school, so when Anna gets on the bus she shoves them into my hands and hugs me goodbye all in one sweet, frantic THE-BUS-IS-HERE! motion. As the bus pulls away, I hold Snow

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Semantics – For Mom’s birthday

Semantics – For Mom’s birthday

Anna and I were talking about the week and my upcoming birthday, and she asked “Mom, what do you want for your birthday?” I responded with my most honest, genuine birthday request, “All I want for my birthday is for you kids to not fight for one day. That’s all I want.” Anna cut dubious

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Semantics – the olympics edition

We’re watching the Olympics non-stop over here. I just love the Olympics and I cannot get enough of it, especially track and field. For my kids, during these Olympic games they get introduced to a lot of stuff. Namely, network TV commercials, and unabashed patriotism. GO TEAM USA!!! Tonight (which happens to be the day before Sydney’s

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Krieger Christmas 2023

Krieger Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas from Anna and Long Cat! We had such an awesome Christmas, and if this blog is serving as my memory book, that is what I want to remember. Christmas was awesome. Just look at how great it was! David got a balaclava! (He also does a thing that he got from Tom — he

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Thanksgiving traditions

Thanksgiving traditions

Happy Thanksgiving! For our family this year was a year of travel over the mountains and through the woods for Thanksgiving in Franklin County. My hometown is so, so beautiful — something I never appreciated or even noticed when I was growing up. Now, when we drive home I can’t help but take photos out

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