Krieger Christmas 2023

Krieger Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas from Anna and Long Cat! We had such an awesome Christmas, and if this blog is serving as my memory book, that is what I want to remember. Christmas was awesome. Just look at how great it was! David got a balaclava! (He also does a thing that he got from Tom — he

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Thanksgiving traditions

Thanksgiving traditions

Happy Thanksgiving! For our family this year was a year of travel over the mountains and through the woods for Thanksgiving in Franklin County. My hometown is so, so beautiful — something I never appreciated or even noticed when I was growing up. Now, when we drive home I can’t help but take photos out

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Cross country season

Cross country season

This fall David joined his middle school’s cross country team. The second he joined the team, before he even brought home his school-issued singlet, I fell head-first into the murky waters of living vicariously through my kid’s sport. Until now I’ve been completely immune to this. As a person who can barely throw — and

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Our Vancouver adventure 2023

Our Vancouver adventure 2023

By: Mary Last summer our cousins who live in Vancouver, Canada came to visit us in Virginia! Ellie, Abram, John, and Gabby came without their parents. Their visit was delayed by a few weeks due to a COVID outbreak, and then our trip to Kings Dominion got almost got rained out, and then there was

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