We’re watching the Olympics non-stop over here. I just love the Olympics and I cannot get enough of it, especially track and field. For my kids, during these Olympic games they get introduced to a lot of stuff. Namely, network TV commercials, and unabashed patriotism. GO TEAM USA!!! Tonight (which happens to be the day before Sydney’s

The older my kids get, the more I find I really appreciate annual events. These annual markers — holidays, special events — are always the moments when I really see time passing. Otherwise it’s easy for the days to just run together, into a mush of homework, sandwich crusts, and the odd pajama day here
David’s study habits in fourth grade: he didn’t study. Mary’s study habits in fourth grade: creates a classroom in the dining room and forces her younger siblings to listen to her lecture. Here she is teaching Thomas and Anna about Stinky James. Want to know more about Stinky James? Sign up today! Class enrollment is

For a few weeks Mary has been getting Anna amped for the annual Father-Daughter Dance. I could see a sort of glazed-over look in Anna’s eyes whenever Mary talked about it. Fancy dresses? Cupcakes? And dad will be there? Dancing? What? The problem was that, in her excitement, Mary would start her explanation in the

Last night Mary and I had a mommy-daughter dinner date. I often hear about the value of one-on-one time with kids, especially for kids in large families, but our family almost never does that sort of thing. Honestly? Between me and you? WHO HAS TIME? (Especially in large families!) But, as expected, dinner was really

Hello from my living room, the Krieger Olympic Training Center! That’s what it is for the next two weeks, anyway. The cushions are off our couch, blocking the only path from the living room to the kitchen for the sake of leaps and somersaults. Sure, I can’t walk through my house, BUT! Sacrifices must be

The other day Mary followed me out to our garden while I was planting some broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Last year both plants were complete failures, but I decided to try again. After all, it’s 2020! Anything is possible! Mary was chatting to me about her new stuffed animal obsession (bunny surprise) and I gave