Anna all-the-time

Anna all-the-time

Anna’s preschool ended in May, just a few weeks before the big kids got out of school. In that in-between time,  Anna and I spent a lot of quality time together. We are used to spending a lot of time together, but a few hours of preschool three days a week gave us the exact break we

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10-12 minutes, or just a touch past al dente

10-12 minutes, or just a touch past al dente

For the past year or so Anna has slowly been eliminating foods in hopes of settling into an all-pasta diet. Don’t get worried though! She works in plenty of variety. Sometimes she eats spaghetti noodles, sometimes penne, sometimes wheels, occasionally cellentani, but almost never elbows. Our girl has standards. This is the same child who,

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I don’t know if all kids go through this phase, but all of MY kids go through a phase where they write random letters in a line and ask me what it says. It hits right at the moment where they realize that the letters and letter sounds they’ve been learning have magical powers. These

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