Never leave a drink unattended around Thomas. If Thomas sees an unattended drink, he will steal a sip. The first time he tried my Diet Coke, he exclaimed, “It’s ok for me to drink it because I LIKE IT! I DO LIKE IT!” As if the reason I didn’t share with him was bc I was

Last week my younger two started preschool. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Isn’t that the same shirt David wore on his first day of preschool!?” Yes, you are right, discerning reader. To say that Mary Virginia has grown and matured is an understatement. She’s so excited for preschool, so ready to be the

At kindergarten orientation last week, David’s teacher gave us a sheet of questions to answer about David; something to help her get to know him. The first question was, “What three words would you use to describe your child?” I thought for a while. He’s kind, a good friend. Really silly and funny. He loves

At my most recent prenatal check-up, my doctor was asking me how I’d been feeling, and I told her what I tell everyone — mostly fine but super duper, all-the-time exhausted. We talked about my iron levels and a few other things and then she asked, “Are you getting enough sleep?” Yes. I’m mostly sleeping

While listening to the Mary Poppins soundtrack: Oh, it’s a jolly holiday with Mary, Mary makes your heart so light. When the day is gray and ordinary, Mary makes the sun shine bright. Oh, happiness is bloomin’ all around her, the daffodils are smilin’ at the dove. When Mary holds your hand, you feel so grand, your heart

This weekend a friend stopped by and came to our door with a basketball under his arm. Before I even had a chance to say hello, Thomas looked at him and said, “HEY! That’s MY bas-at-ball!” Every basketball is Thomas’s basketball. Thomas loves basketball. If there are two things that mark him at this age they are:

This is one of the most simple, best ideas I’ve seen in a while, and we’ve had so much fun this summer participating. Ah, there’s one of the great things about this — anyone can participate. This project is easy, free, fun, inspires creativity, gets you outside, and encourages community. It does everything except fix

Thomas needs a haircut. I’m balking because I love his beautiful hair. It usually looks tousled and sweet, but occasionally looks really messy and unkempt. I know, I realize the insanity of assuming a two-year old boy ever looks anything but messy and unkempt. But there’s a difference between cute toddler unkempt and feral toddler messy.

I love summer. It is, by far, my favorite season. I love the long days, bare feet, pool parties. I love Popsicles on the porch and burgers on the grill. I love not having to keep track of my kids’ coats. This summer started out with a giant WHOMP WHOMP otherwise known as orthopedic surgery coupled with

In the past year or so David has become increasingly interested in creating. He loves to draw, color, paint, cut, glue, and everything else. I love watching him, in part because a few years ago he didn’t like any of it — coloring, using stickers, or even playing with Play-Doh at all. Anytime I brought out

Since she was 15 months old, every time we go to the doctor for a well-check everyone comments on how verbal she is. It’s true, she is, and I take no credit. She could speak in complete, articulate paragraphs by 24 months and by three we were actively trying to discourage her language development. Just kidding. Kind

On day seven of an 11-day stay at our house, Mary Virginia asked my mom, “Grammy, do you enjoy coming to visit your grandchildren?” I held my breath as I waited to hear her answer. My mom stayed with us for nearly five weeks after my tendon repair surgery. Even after changing all the diapers (diaper tabs

Thomas turned two last week, and we celebrated with the most low-key kids’ birthday celebration our family has ever seen. When David turned two I had an almost-three-month old and I still managed to mail out paper invitations. When Mary Virginia turned two, Thomas wasn’t even a month old, and I still made a cake

Mary Virginia: Mommy, do you want to hear the song I made to help Thomas stop fussing? Me: SURE! Mary Virginia: Quack, quack, quack goes the little feather duck! [Thomas continues fussing] David: Um, Mary Virginia. I think you need to make the song longer. Mary Virginia: QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK goes

There’s a saying you hear occasionally if you have multiple children — if you have more than one child, having just one is like having none. I sort of agree with it. If I’m with just one of my three children, the chaos does diminish dramatically. Sometimes there are even moments of silence, moments between requests for snacks

I completely forget the circumstances that sent me there (which is maybe best?), but one day I was standing in the kitchen, shoving pretzels in my mouth faster than I could chew. Mary Virginia: Mommy, why are you eating pretzels like that? Me: Well, Dear, It’s because you’re stressing me out. Mary Virginia: [starts laughing] But,

I became a stay-at-home mom almost six years ago, and one thing (among many) I’ve struggled with for that entire six years is taking time for myself. It’s one aspect of parenting that doesn’t change. Kids go through all kinds of stages and phases, so my days and routines have changed drastically throughout the past

Recently I noticed that my motivation for creative activities with my kids has really plummeted. To my credit, I think it’s in part because my kids are much more likely to entertain themselves than they were two years ago. When I had a 3- and 1-year old, they were aimless unless I gave them direction —

For Christmas we got the kids this great seed starter kit. The kids have really liked it, especially David. He was able to do most of the prep and sowing himself. The manufacturers apparently knew what they were doing because I warned David over and over and over that it would take at least seven days. David: But

A few weeks ago I realized our church’s annual Father Daughter Dance was coming up, but I hadn’t heard anything about it. I did some frantic poking around and asking questions and found out that it wasn’t happening this year. This was only a problem, of course, because Mary Virginia and I have been preparing for the dance

We were driving home from the playground one day and Mary Virginia announced that she was bored. I guess that’s what happens when you spend all morning frolicking at a playground. I was on the highway and focusing on the road so instead of my routine of twirling flaming batons to keep Queen Mary entertained, I said, “Ok! Let’s

We had blissfully unseasonable warm weather this week. These are the days that carry me through winter to spring. The rest of the week is supposed to feel much more like February, but I can tolerate it after three days of spring smack dab in the middle of winter. Perhaps the best part of these 70 degree February days

It’s kind of nice living in a place that completely shuts down when it snows. We only get snow a few times each year, so even the mildest dusting sends everyone screaming indoors, arms full of all the bread and milk they could stuff into their grocery carts. Schools close. Events are cancelled. It’s awesome.

I don’t often given parenting advice here. But. If you insist. My top two parenting tips are: 1. Hold off on introducing the song “First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest” as long as possible. You might have a sleep-deprived, frustration-fueled moment when it SEEMS like

Our family is still in the midst of Christmas celebrations, but I’m pausing to catch my breathto post these photos. And, who knows, maybe after a few minutes on the couch I’ll have room for another slice of cinnamon bread. Instead of Christmas morning photos (which would be so much more relevant), these photos are from

I’ve been knitting. That’s what I’ve been doing. That’s why posting has been light, that’s why you might have seen me dragging yarn to the playground, knitting over cocktails on girls’ night, and stopping mid-conversation to count stitches. This year I made 48 hats, and every day Mary Virginia would cozy up to me and ask,
This past week we celebrated Thanksgiving. We celebrated in town, out of town, and in the middle of it all we had a spur-of-the-moment celebration with out of town friends. I took very, very few photos over the holiday. Partially because I was busy visiting with family and partially because I needed my full attention
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016. David / Making a beaded Christmas wreath ornament. Working on fine motor skills and Mommy’s patience. Mary Virginia / Sweet little marker-stained hands pat pat patting sugar cookie dough with her trusty sidekick Barbie dog. Thomas / I suppose the up side to having
This morning, before 8 o’clock, my kids dismantled the playroom. When I say “dismantled” I don’t mean they made a typically giant toddler mess, disproportionate to their small size. What I mean is they took apart their toy bins and moved around furniture. Thomas spent the morning wondering how we fit all of Disney World into our