A winter wonderland

It’s kind of nice living in a place that completely shuts down when it snows. We only get snow a few times each year, so even the mildest dusting sends everyone screaming indoors, arms full of all the bread and milk they could stuff into their grocery carts.

Schools close. Events are cancelled.

It’s awesome.

Then we wrap our kids’ feet in trash bags and put socks on their hands because there’s no need to spend their college funds on waterproof clothes that they only need a few days a year.

After all, three days from now it’ll be 60 degrees.

Surprising no one, Mary Virginia does not like snow.

There was drama over every item of clothes you see in this photo — the snow pants, the gloves (that’s the third pair we offered her) the jacket (EVERYONE WILL THINK I’M A BOY!), the hat, and the sunglasses, which I had to make a special trip inside for to cover her sensitive princess eyes.

She was like a cat who meows for two hours to go outside and then, once you open the door, just lifts a paw to the air, then walks away and spends the rest of the day recovering.

But have you ever thrown a cat into the snow? (I mean. Not that I ever have…what kind of person do you think I am?) That’s what Mary Virginia was like. She tiptoed through the snow and shook off her boots after each step.

I know how it sounds, me rolling my eyes at my daughter who is acting exactly like me. 

One day Mary Virginia and I will bond over our disdain for winter. One day that does not start at 6 a.m. with her begging to go outside, followed by an hour of refusing to wear pants because “I LIKE COLD,” followed by two minutes of play, followed by coming inside and demanding hot chocolate.

Honestly, it’s not so much that I dislike snow as it is that I really, really prefer warm weather.

I actually kind of like snow storms because of the quarantine. Everyone stays at home and keeps their germs to themselves and we get one week closer to spring without danger of picking up the stomach bug.

I know, I know. Such optimism. Walking around in my brain is a regular trip to Disney World.



  1. Lynsie January 10, 2017

    This mama who fears sickness loves nature induced quarantines also! 🙂

  2. Candace January 10, 2017

    I love Thomas’s *mittens*.

  3. Katherine A. January 11, 2017

    The only snow pants in John’s size were purple with flowers at the bottom. “I don’t want to wear those, I’ll look dumb.” “What are you talking about, no you won’t and at least you’ll be warm!! Get dressed, and NO YOU CAN’T STAY INSIDE!”

    Then, my brother and I talked trash behind his back the whole time we were out there, because, welp, they really did look dumb. 🙁 Poor southern snow kids!

  4. Jackie January 14, 2017

    Too funny! 🙂

  5. Katrina January 17, 2017

    I would love to live in a place that snows at least once a year! We are too near the ocean in CA for it to snow. But, the mountains are a quick two-hour trip away, so that’s nice. But I bet it’s super fun just playing in the snow right in your own back yard. My kids always ask me “when will it snow here?” and I have to tell them, NEVER. And then their faces get so sad. My husband, who is from NY, tells them that living in the snow does not compare to visiting the snow, so they should just appreciate our southern CA nice weather. He sure does! Beautiful pictures, by the way 🙂


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