

In our part of town, it looks like someone came through the neighborhood planting Dogwood trees Johnny Appleseed-style. The yards are full of them — white and pink — some houses have two or even three trees. And, wow, they are beautiful. The other day we were on a walk and I was telling David

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Whatever, it’s bath night anyway

Whatever, it’s bath night anyway

I got an email the other day from that said  kids should play outside everyday to burn off some energy, and because, “Being outdoors also provides sensory stimulation (the sun, the birds, the dirt) that can’t be replicated indoors.” Great idea,, but where are you when it’s time to clean up this mess?

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Last week was a long week. A long week in which I ignored David a lot because I was busy updating my resume to include “has experience administering suppositories”. On Saturday I went to Target to pick up a few things, including a new water cup for David. I looked at the selection and did

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March Madness

March Madness

Can you feel the chaos? We are in the midst of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. It is madness, yes, but when you live with a teething baby and a toddler who WILL NOT nap, you barely notice. My entire life feels like a sporting event  with upsets and unexpected runs; a tournament with the appellation

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Blue-eyed leprechauns

Blue-eyed leprechauns

Not every day is all rainbows and shamrocks around here. But today? (Aside from the snow and sleet outside.) Today that’s all it is. Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Hoping your day is filled with pots of gold and blue-eyed leprechauns, and reminders that we have a God who lavishes blessings on his people. “In him

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The box says it all

The box says it all

These photos are a bit dated. This happened two months ago. (The really funny thing is, it happened 21 months ago, too) We had just come home from a long weekend away and were unpacking the car. There were bags full of toys, clothes, food, and babies everywhere. Apparently, Mary Virginia needed a snack. You know

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Filled with all sorts of dread

Filled with all sorts of dread

Ever since David has had even a little bit of hair he’s twirled it with his finger. He does it when he’s tired, when he’s distracted, when he’s unsure, when he’s dealing with a difficult co-worker. We’ve seen him do it in his sleep. I took this photo over a year ago, before his first

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Tom told me that this week was the coldest on record in March. We are so lucky to be alive during this historical moment. Winter is, I hope, having its last gasp; snow, ice, frigid temperatures. I did posts in honor of summer and fall, and  though winter is not my favorite, I’m also a

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Strengthening our immune systems

Strengthening our immune systems

Albuterol, saline, labeled oral syringes, Azithromycin, Tamiflu, ear-numbing drops, thermometers, acetaminophen dosage chart for quick reference. If I had to choose one photo to sum up fall/winter for our family, this would be it. Usually when one of the kids are teething or has a cough, I keep their medicine on the counter and put

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Washi tape road for toddlers

Washi tape road for toddlers

I found this idea for making a car track using Washi tape on Pinterest. Since we’ve been snowed in a lot in the past few weeks and were looking for activities, I decided to give it a try. The idea is simple enough. I already have Washi tape from packaging Etsy orders, exactly three square

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Try, “Not Having Kids”: the video that made me realize how long it’s been since I walked up the stairs eating an ice cream cone

Try, “Not Having Kids”: the video that made me realize how long it’s been since I walked up the stairs eating an ice cream cone

I’d like to introduce you to Amanda Giobbi, my best friend from college. We met at Virginia Tech on my 18th birthday, August 29, 2000. I was going out to eat with some girls I’d just met on my hall (more about that here), and she made me laugh harder than anyone I’d ever met.

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Compound band name

Compound band name

This is a picture of the blonde curl on David’s forehead. It is also a picture of a radio head. Get it? Radiohead. This makes me laugh, mostly because it wasn’t Tom’s idea. Tom, who tries to explain the  time signatures in Radiohead songs on every car trip we’ve ever taken. Tom, who thinks the song

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Uh oh.

If you happen to follow my blog with a reader (like Feedly, gReader, or Bloglovin’) you might have noticed a post this weekend that was a little different than my typical content. I hope you realized the post wasn’t legit — we were hacked and spammed. We don’t know exactly what happened, but Tom is

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Snow mom

Snow mom

By now, these snow pictures are two snows old. This is before the southern snowstorm that’s currently outside, before the three-inch snow-pacolypse that knocked out our power, left us without internet and cancelled schools for a week, and after the “2014 Cold Wave” better known as the Polar Vortex. This was our first snow, a typical

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There are two types of people: Those who panic when it snows and those who laugh at those who panic when it snows

There are two types of people: Those who panic when it snows and those who laugh at those who panic when it snows

I don’t like winter. Not even one little bit. In “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, C.S. Lewis uses winter as an allegory for a world overcome by evil. Without hope. Without Jesus. And it’s an image we can all relate to in a visceral way because we’ve all lived through the months known

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Mary and bright

After snapping this photo, I decided to Google, “Is it ok to let a baby chew on Christmas lights?” And that’s exactly when I realized the effect of 24/7, unrestricted access to the world wide web: loss of even a modicum of common sense. The answer? No. No, it’s not ok. Not even a little

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O Krieger Tannenbaum

O Krieger Tannenbaum

Tom and I agree that our Christmas tree is…fine. It’s small, droopy, a little wonky, and full of mismatched ornaments. But it’s definitely better than last year when we didn’t have a tree at all. We started with good intentions. Tom brought the tree home on a Tuesday night and started stringing the lights. He

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The color for the month of November at David’s school is brown. This shirt isn’t exactly brown, but it’s the best we could do. David loves preschool. Loves. I can’t emphasize that enough. He would go to preschool every day for 18 hours if he could. When he’s running away from me in the morning

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Sitting pretty

The other day I thought, “Mary Virginia’s five and a half months old. Wonder if she can sit up on her own.” So I plopped her on the ground. And guess what? She totally can.

Everything in moderation

What they say about being more relaxed with your second child is true. For example, I didn’t let David try Diet Coke until he was at least six months old. She also got her first fever a lot sooner, and got bonked in the head with a toy guitar WAY before David did. I’m hoping this phenomenon

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Coup d’état

Coup d’état

Brigham’s fan club has a very active, capable, creative, passionate president and founding member. His position as Brigham’s number one fan is pretty well-established, so I, personally, would never suggest a change in leadership. That’s not what I’m suggesting at all. I am suggesting, though, that someone else might be preparing to challenge his status as

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Here’s one way I’m probably different than you: I don’t love fall. I have to admit, I like football and the break in the humidity and the opportunity to gain 15 pounds between November and December, but I do not look forward to fall. Fall leads to winter, and winter means fewer hours of sunshine,

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Ladder truck

My dad, David’s grandpa, was a firefighter. He’s a retired firefighter now but, even so, you could say firefighting is in David’s blood. Firefighting is the kind of occupation that runs in the genes, and I guess the guys over at Station 12 could tell. I can’t think of any other reason they’d let a

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Finally contributing to the household

Finally contributing to the household

Every day David watches Tom leave for work. Tom says, “Bye, David, I’m going to work!” and David runs to the window to watch Tom get in his car and drive away. Despite that morning ritual, I have this conversation with David over and over, starting about five minutes after Tom leaves, and ending when

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Little girl blue

Part of being the second child is wearing hand-me-downs. Mary Virginia already wears hand-me-downs all the time from friends, her cousins, her brother. This blue sleeper is actually a hand-me-hand-me-hand-me-down. At least two of my sister’s kids wore it before David. And now, even though it’s blue (which ubiquitously means boy in baby language), Mary

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David the Goliath

David the Goliath

Mary Virginia is noticing her brother more and more. It’s adorable when she looks at him dancing and jumping and playing and a smile explodes across her face. It’s also adorable when he wants to interact with her and hold her and brings her her pacifier announcing, “Here ya go Mary ‘ginia! Here ya go

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Belly to back

Mary Virginia rolled over, belly to back, yesterday. (These photos are fuzzy because it was dark in our living room; I took them before the sun was up.) We were all a little shocked. Speechless. Tom didn’t get to see her roll over in the morning, so after a long Sunday of church, Costco, visiting

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Red means go!

When I’m driving somewhere with David, I try to talk to him the whole time. When we’re at home he won’t let us read books to him or play alongside him. It’s one of the only times I have a captive audience, so I like to make the most of it. We spend most of the

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372 months

372 months

Last week I celebrated my 31st birthday. 31, for some reason, seems remarkably older than 30. Like I said last year, 30 seems like a fake age. The number is too round, it carries too many implications. 31 is more normal, more settled. Less, “WOW! The big three-oh!” On David’s birthday, we wanted to continue

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I’m TWO!

I’m TWO!

Ladies and gentlemen, the birthday boy: Note: David’s diaper is hangin’ low because it’s full of water from the sprinklers. Video transcript: D: Oh, I fine. A: Are you ok, David? D: David the bicycle!…Riding the bike…Come on, Na-EE (Mommy). Nah-EE! Push David bike. A: Hey, David, how old are you? D: I’m two! A:

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Southern living

Southern living

Last spring my neighbor’s yard exploded with gardenia blooms and, wow, what a beautiful flower. I made sure to tell my neighbor how beautiful they were. An hour later, he knocked on my door with a bouquet of cut gardenias. That paragraph right there is why Southerners are willing to put up with the mosquitoes

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Brand spanking new and long overdue

Take a look around, we’re making some major changes around here. Things aren’t perfect, we’re still working on some kinks, but WOW! Check out my new design! Don’t worry, I’m not patting myself on the back. I can freely brag about the design work because I didn’t have anything to do with it, this is

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One of the side benefits of having a newborn in the house is that they draw lots of admiring visitors. When you’re lucky, the visitors are some of your oldest, dearest, out-of-town friends. The other side benefit is that since you have a newborn in the house, you don’t even have to come up with an excuse

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