A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. The four of them / Here’s a quick photography tip: a well-composed photograph should be free of clutter. Remove items in the foreground and background that are busy and distracting. Unless your four children are playing (sort of) together. In that instance, run into
Last year, right around this time of year, David sat down at the table with construction paper, scissors, and glue, and independently handcrafted a valentine for his best friend. I was really, really impressed. I hadn’t given much thought to the valentines he was going to give out to his class, but right then and
Here’s a confession: I don’t know who’s playing in the Super Bowl. Ok, that’s not completely true. I know the Patriots are playing thanks to social media and my friends who do not like the Patriots. Other than that? I have no idea when or where or who. But regardless of all that, even though I truly
Recently we visited a friend one afternoon, and when we got home I exhaled dramatically, “WHEW! That was crazy! That house is NOT set up for a toddler!” We’d spent the entire evening chasing Anna around their house, keeping her from the stairs, out of the toilet, away from drawers and cabinets and from pulling