Birdies for my baby

Birdies for my baby

I’ve been a knitter for years, and I’ve been knitting for other people’s babies for just as long. The most popular item I knit is these hats. It’s from a pattern I learned from a friend’s mom. Through the years I’ve knit hundreds of these hats, so I’ve got the pattern down. Now that I

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Best friends and baby boys

After being rained out of Blacksburg, we drove to Smith Mountain Lake in Franklin County. I grew up in Franklin County. It’s rural, southern, and as the Ambassador of Franklin County, I’m here to tell you it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth. Tom’s parents have a place on Smith Mountain Lake. They

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Clearing out

Clearing out

You’re looking at four bags of clothes we don’t wear and things we don’t use. It’s sitting by our door because it’s all on its way OUT. It always feels so, so good to get rid of things. It’s a vicious cycle; the temptation to acquire new things followed by the oppression of clutter and

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A day at the beach

You can’t go to Hilton Head without going to the beach. The weather was a little cool, but not too cool to see the Atlantic for the first time. He loved the waves, and tried to convince us to just toss him in the water so he could swim away with the dolphins. But do

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A little gutter update

A little gutter update

It’s been almost a month since we built our gutter garden, and a few days ago we had our first salad from early greens. Check it ouuuut. See the sugar snap peas climbing up my make-do-with-what-you-have trellis? It doesn’t look pretty, but the peas don’t mind. This is something I inherited from my dad. Why

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Hokie Nation

All my friends’ Facebook statuses say neVer forgeT, as if anyone ever could. It’s been five years, and thinking about this day still makes my stomach feel heavy. I remember almost every minute of April 16, 2007 and the days following. I was in my car, driving to campus when I heard Nikki Giovanni make

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Salsa Verde

Salsa Verde

I love to cook, but I’ve never posted recipes before. I’ve really really thought about it, but I figure that as long as Pioneer Woman is blogging, you don’t really need my recipes. Today I’m making an exception since my mom’s been asking for this recipe for weeks. She’s coming to visit this weekend, an

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