Vertical gutter garden

Spring is just around the corner, so we’ve started some seeds indoors and are planning our garden. In our last home our backyard was small, but it was perfect for a garden. The term “full sun” was invented for our backyard; there was only shade when the sun was down. In the summer it felt

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Why you should totally get a cat.

Because IF you have a cat, every now and then you get to open your door in the morning and find THIS: I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, I’VE BEEN MISSING OUT! Have you read Freedom by Jonathan Franzen? If you have, nod with me: Walter would have wanted to poison my cat.

Running: now and then

Last night Tom took David for a run in the jogging stroller for the first time ever. He ran 5 miles at a 7:30 pace while pushing the stroller. No big deal. I stayed home and did some freelance work. Alone in the house for almost 40 minutes, it felt like new worlds were open

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Moving on

We dismantled David’s swing a few weeks ago and sent it to the attic. It was surprisingly a non-event. I tend to attach fabricated sentimental value to inanimate objects. This means he is GROWING and getting BIGGER! He LOVED this swing. This swing was responsible for most of his naps for the first three months

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A happy day to Abram Bear

A happy day to Abram Bear

TODAY (if you’re in Taiwan. Tomorrow if you’re in America) is this guy’s birthday. He’s turning three. (He’s been growing that mustache since he was two.) Abram is the middle child, sandwiched between a strong older sister and an adorable little brother. Abram, I can relate. You’ve drawn the short straw. Your role as middle

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Running highs and lows

This winter I’ve found myself falling into some running patterns. Simply, I’ll get on a great running kick…then not run at all. I’m running the Monument Ave. 10k at the end of March, so I started training — running about 4 miles two times a week and 6-7 miles on Sunday, with a few shorter

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Not our best day

David woke up last night with a fever. His FIRST fever. So we’re going to stay in bed all day and watch funny cat videos on YouTube. OBVIOUSLY. Have you seen this one? We have…four times already.

The best part of the Oscars

The whole time we were watching this performance, Tom kept saying, “but they’re not really doing that stuff, are they?” Yes, yes they are. (Performance begins about a minute in.) I’m glad they cut to George Clooney for five straight minutes. Because we can’t really enjoy a performance without knowing how George Clooney feels about it.