
I’m a day late. Ash Wednesday was yesterday. BUT if you’re interested in daily Lenten readings, check out:  http://lentreading.wordpress.com/  “Lent is a time to ask God to confront our own mortality and sinfulness; to ask Him to show us our need for grace; to grow in repentance; and, to reflect on the amazing truth of

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After David was baptized, people in church kept telling me congratulations. I didn’t realize that was what people tell parents after their children are baptized, but it makes sense. We don’t believe the water saved David, but that it represents Christ’s cleansing power, union with Christ and David’s inclusion in God’s covenant community. When Matt

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David’s baptism

David’s baptism

David was baptized this weekend. I grew up in a church that didn’t baptize little ones, so if you’re like me and are unfamiliar with the practice of baptizing infants, I found this explanation. In addition to claiming God’s covenant on behalf of David, it was also an opportunity for Tom and me to stand

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Like bacon dipped in chocolate

In case you can’t tell what’s happening here, David has somehow wedged his thumb into his pacifier. (Sorry for the blur. David was on my lap, super close to the lens.) It was the collision of his two favorite worlds in a way he never dreamed possible. If a look can say, “Woman. If you

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Six months

Six months

This month almost killed me. I know I’ve said that before, but this time it was for an entirely different reason. This time I’m beginning to realize that when you decide to have a child, you’re signing up for thanking Jesus every night that you made it through one more day. I’ve stopped waiting for

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How I know I married an honest man

We started giving David some solids. Over the past few days he’s had avocado, potato and banana. He LOVES it. It’s wigged out his digestive system, though. He went from pooping three or so times a day to…zero. I’ve heard this is normal, and that when his system decides to move it will MOVE. I

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Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the

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Best Valentine’s Day gift. Ever.

Best Valentine’s Day gift. Ever.

Though Tom is very romantic, he doesn’t get the prize for best Valentine’s gift. It goes to my sweet niece Eleanora Belle, born on Valentine’s Day. From the start Ellie has been head-strong and smart and beautiful (just like her mama). On her first birthday, my mom and I went to Taiwan with a suitcase

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