Independence Day

I put David in his red diaper and blue hat with all of his red and blue toys and plopped him in his pool to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. [David was leaning over the edge of the pool and splashing, which caused lots of water to spill, and drenched our towel.

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Three years today

Three years today

Tom and I met in 2001, started dating the last week of 2007, and got married three years ago today. If, the day before Tom asked me out on a date, someone had told me that I was about to go on a date with Tom Krieger I would have laughed in their face. In

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My sister and her three kids are visiting from Taiwan. She flew from Taiwan to New York with three children by herself (her husband is coming a little later). Then after a brief stay in Vermont to catch her breath, drove to Virginia like it aint no big thang. (Did you know my power was

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Recently I was looking through my tag cloud and decided to clean it up. I have a tag for “Virginia Tech” and also “Hokies”. Probably don’t need both. I also have a “natural disasters” tag. I used it when I did an  update on the first two weeks of David’s life. Remember those two weeks?

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It’s working, it’s really working!

Aside from the harvest, this is one of my favorite stages of gardening. When you go outside and notice a handful of cherry tomatoes that seemed to appear overnight. Or tiny jalapenos dropping from the stem. (I noticed a half-eaten jalapeno on the ground. I hope it was hot enough to teach the chipmunks a

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Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

When my grandma (my dad’s mom) met David for the first time, she asked if Tom helped change diapers. She told me that her husband, my grandfather, never changed diapers. Are you kidding me? Tom is a diaper-changing specialist. He changed almost all of David’s diapers for the first two weeks of his life, and

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New Year’s GOALS 6-month check in

New Year’s GOALS 6-month check in

Remember my 2012 goals? It’s June, half-way through the year, the perfect time for a goal check-in. As predicted, Tom has been riding his bike to work 2-3 times a week. Every now and then he has to work past dark or has a meeting across town, both of which make cycling hard. But other

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