A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. David / David often comes home and recreates projects he did at school. He did it last year, too. Sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out what’s going on, “Hold on, why do you need aluminum foil again? You’re building a what?” But
For the past almost-eight years our cat has watched in horror as we have, on a nearly every-two-year cycle, added babies to our family. He was annoyed after David was born, incredulous when Mary was born, apoplectic after Thomas, and after Anna’s arrival he’s been trying to blend in with the furniture as he silently plots
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. We took a mid-week trip to Franklin County. Playing hooky on Tuesday and Wednesday throws your whole week off because Tuesday feels like Saturday and Wednesday feels like Sunday. Then Thursday feels like Monday, so I got to be disappointed that I don’t
At Anna’s 15-month well-visit last week, the nurse let me know that my happy, smiling, gurgling baby had a low grade fever. Um, excuse me, what? A few minutes later we had a diagnosis of two bulging ear infections, one emerging molar, and an otherwise growing, healthy bald baby girl. Happy 15 months, Anna! I
What’s a little girl’s favorite part of a father-daughter dance? Gloating to her brothers that she’s going to a dance and they aren’t Fighting with Mommy about what makeup is appropriate for a 5-year old (Answer: no makeup. Be glad that you’re getting lip gloss. ) Having a special night with your daddy. We’ll never