A case for being reasonable

A case for being reasonable

Anna is two years old nine months old. That means she’s Over half-way through the terrible twos and well on her way to being a three-nager. Anna is really settling into her role as our resident up-ender of peace and quiet, and Captain of Witching Hour. Her new favorite schtick is to stand a foot

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Semantics – Introducing Anna Leigh

Semantics – Introducing Anna Leigh

I realized the other day that I included Anna in her very first Semantics post without absolutely any pomp and circumstance or even a mention. Anna is talking a lot these days, and even though a lot of what she says only a mother (or 5-year-old brother) can understand, she’s grown a lot since we took

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Our surprise (!!!) beach vacation

Our surprise (!!!) beach vacation

Sometime in July I started feeling the walls close in. It’s 2020, I’m sure you can relate. In fact, I probably felt like that even earlier than July, I just didn’t realize it. It was hot, school was on hold for the foreseeable future, and our routine of having no routine was feeling claustrophobic. Since

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The birthday countdown

The birthday countdown

Two days until David’s ninth birthday. Not that anyone is counting. At the beginning of the quarantine, when the kids’ school was closed, I made a paper countdown to Easter. We were all excited to see the holiday creep closer. For me it was a secret countdown to when this would all be over and

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What I hope my kids learn in the virtual classroom

What I hope my kids learn in the virtual classroom

Well, here we are. Summer is nearly over; we’re in the countdown to back-to-school for the strangest academic year ever. That’s a true statement, right? I’m pretty sure I can say that without fact-checking. School has never been so strange, uncertain, controversial, and wildly different from one district to the next. My kids’ school will

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