23 months

23 months

Have you heard the joke about the interrupting cow? It’s one of my favorite jokes, and it goes like this: A: Knock, knock. B: Who’s there? A: The interrupting cow. B: The inte- A: MOOO! Living with Anna feels like living inside that joke, all the time. Anna isn’t talking a ton yet, but it’s

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019. David / It’s a bummer that this photo is blurry, because David asked me to take it. When your 8-year old asks you to take a silly photo, you grab your camera so quickly that everything ends up out of focus. (This is one

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It was so hot this week. I’m not usually one to grumble about unseasonal warmth, but this week would have been a doozy even in July. The forecast promised relief from the heat and humidity on Friday (but still no rain) so until then I called kibosh on outdoor play past 10 a.m. and exercise

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Fall garden dreams

Fall garden dreams

When I planted these beet seedlings back in August, I promised them that in September the temperature would at least occasionally dip below the 90s. I promised that it might rain at least once a month. And I lied. They’re limping along, despite the lack of rain, incredible heat, and yesterday afternoon when my 8-year old filled

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.   David / This photo is out of focus and through a window because I wanted to snap it without him noticing to send a picture to my mom. The kids have a chore chart and opportunities to do extra chores. David is really,

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Sending my kids to school in the age of active shooters

Sending my kids to school in the age of active shooters

Yesterday Anna, my 22-month old, was throwing a tantrum. She threw herself onto the floor, curled her body over her knees with her forehead pressed to the carpet, and wailed. “Look!” Mary exclaimed. “Anna is doing a lockdown drill!” David and Mary laughed and laughed at the absurdity of a lockdown drill! At home! Ha!

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The 52 Project — A photo of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019.   David / The big kids are playing soccer for the first time this fall. There’s a little grove of pine trees behind the Mary’s field. While she played soccer, David made these trails through the woods for their bikes. This

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