Partners in crime, thick as thieves, and other cliches about friends who break the law

I’m not sure why, but I’m suddenly really aware of Thomas and Anna’s friendship. All of my kids have individual relationships, but each one has to be forged.

Maybe I’m noticing their friendship because it’s just now really emerging. Anna is finally old enough to really play and be a part of Thomas’s shenanigans (which she loves). They are together all day, every day, while their siblings are at school. That’s been the case for two years now, but for a lot of that Anna was just a baby that napped a lot and bounced on my hip.

That’s not true anymore. Anna has ideas and wants, no DEMANDS, to be included. Most importantly, she contributes to play, and that makes all the difference.


Maybe it’s because Thomas will go to kindergarten next year, and I’m increasingly sentimental about this milestone. It will be emotional for me, I know, but the real transition will be for Anna.

Or maybe it’s because the other day, when we were on the couch reading together, Thomas wrapped his arm around Anna and whispered in her ear, “Anna, you’re my best friend.”




  1. Brenda Payne February 12, 2020

    Be still my heart!!!

  2. Maria February 13, 2020

    It’s nice to see siblings playing together rather than fighting!

    • amandakrieger February 14, 2020

      hahah, i should have mentioned that they do that too 🙂 it’s all part of learning! and ya gotta focus on the sweet moments!

  3. Samantha Smart February 14, 2020

    Aww, your little ones are adorable! We just had our fourth baby a few months ago and our youngest son (3.5) is absolutely in love with her! It’s wonderful to watch them together.

  4. Beth February 14, 2020

    SO sweet! I just love this!

  5. Desiree February 14, 2020

    Such sweet babies, I hope they continue with their friendship!

  6. Kimberlie February 15, 2020

    There’s nothing like sibling love and bonding. Moat of my best childhood memories are of getting into shenanigans with my older brothers.

  7. Tisha February 16, 2020

    So sweet ❤️ My older two have a similar relationship! They are always together planning or scheming lol!

  8. Kristen February 18, 2020

    This is adorable!


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