filius crescens

filius crescens

Yesterday David took a Latin test he was particularly proud of, and last night after dinner (in the precious hour when the kids are hoping we won’t notice they haven’t done their table-clearing chores) he told me about it. This was a unique night in our house because I was laid up on the couch,

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Cross country season

Cross country season

This fall David joined his middle school’s cross country team. The second he joined the team, before he even brought home his school-issued singlet, I fell head-first into the murky waters of living vicariously through my kid’s sport. Until now I’ve been completely immune to this. As a person who can barely throw — and

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The birthday countdown

The birthday countdown

Two days until David’s ninth birthday. Not that anyone is counting. At the beginning of the quarantine, when the kids’ school was closed, I made a paper countdown to Easter. We were all excited to see the holiday creep closer. For me it was a secret countdown to when this would all be over and

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