Pumpkin-butterscotch cookies

Pumpkin-butterscotch cookies

When I first moved to Richmond I lived with one of my very best friends. It was our first apartment, first real jobs out of college, first time really living on our own, and because of all those things it was a relatively brief but still formative time for both of us. Today is her

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Hello, world

Hello, world

She’s here! She’s here! We are so pleased to announce the arrival of our baby girl, Anna Leigh Krieger. 8 pounds, 5 ounces, 20 inches. Born Sunday, November 12 at 8:44 p.m., four days before her due date, during a family celebration for Tom’s birthday (In the hospital! We made it to the hospital!) Anna

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Half marathon, full pregnant

Half marathon, full pregnant

At my 39-week check up I happened to casually mention that my husband was running the half marathon over the weekend. Immediately my doctor got very serious about developing a plan for what I would do if my labor started while the race was happening and there I was, on the sidelines of a race

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The week before Halloween

The week before Halloween

Discerning readers will notice that I already posted about Halloween night, so a post about all of our Halloween prep is out of order. But I cannot move on with my life without showing you the REST of our Halloween fun. I’m super pregnant. Tying on my shoes is a huge accomplishment, so imagine how

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All Hallows’ Eve

All Hallows’ Eve

Way back in May when I found out I was going to have a baby in mid-November, I immediately thought through the calendar. It will affect Tom’s birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. And then there’s Halloween. At 38 weeks, I wasn’t expecting to have a newborn, but I was expecting to be very big, very exhausted, and

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This is 37 weeks

This is 37 weeks

Last night Tom was putting some things away in the kitchen and noticed we had tomatoes, cucumber, olives, feta, hummus, and pita. He said, “We should have a Greek night for dinner this week.” I looked up from my book and said, “If you would like to participate in family meal planning, you’re welcome to

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I lose Thomas a lot. Like, in my house. It’s not because we live inside of a TJ Maxx, it’s because Thomas is a lot faster, quieter, and more creative than me. This has been happening since he was very young, but now that he’s older and can work our doors I get more worried if

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Preparing for a precipitous birth

Preparing for a precipitous birth

I once read a birth story by a woman who had seven home births. The first six were by the book, but then there were complications during the seventh. Even though everything — mom and baby — was ultimately fine, she was so shaken by the experience that she elected to have her eighth child

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