Running: Day One

I did it. Armed with my doctor’s blessing and the most intense item of running apparel I’ve ever owned, I did it. I went for a run. The conditions were perfect, I had gorgeous weather and a sleeping baby. But not even a crisp fall day could change this fact: it was hard. These days

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Key play

These are David’s keys. They were a gift from my good friend JennyLynn and they have quickly become David’s first and favorite toy.  Whenever I shake them he immediately smiles and waves. Sometimes he (sort of) bats at them, and if he ever hits them, he holds on and won’t let go. We play with them at

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Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation

Does anyone else think he looks like he’s only pretending to sleep in this photo? He might have been. He woke up when the shutter clicked. Faker! Speaking of sleep, Tom and I had the following conversation at 5am. Amanda: Tom! Guess what, this is the first time David’s woken up since 11, he slept

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Unless you count my daily bowl of cereal, this is the first thing I’ve cooked since David was born. Fried potatoes, yummmm… My dad always ate these for breakfast. It’s a good thing, too, because otherwise I wouldn’t know how to make them, and my husband LOVES fried potatoes for breakfast. So Saturday morning I

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‘Tis the season

It’s that time of year. Time to hang your colors high, people. VT vs Marshall this weekend. Go Hokies! (I’m sure there are plenty of people who think Virginia Tech would be better represented with an ironed flag. Sorry, this Hokie don’t iron.)

Smile for me.

Smile for me.

He’s been doing it for a while now. That reflexive, infant smile. You know, the one some moms blame on gas but love nonetheless. Here’s what I called David’s newborn smile. To get this shot, I held the camera by my face for about five hours hoping lightning would strike. BAM. But now, we’re pretty

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Any running moms out there?

One of the biggest surprises during pregnancy was how good I felt when I was running. I had always hoped to continue running while pregnant, but I assumed it’d be a horrible chore, something I’d have to force myself to do. Instead, I felt most myself while running. Instead of tired,achy and huge I felt

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Weekend visitors

This weekend David had some special visitors all the way from Southwest Virginia. He met his great-uncle David. All my life we’ve called my mom’s brother “Uncle David” and, when we need to distinguish the two, my brother has been “little David” or (when he was younger) “baby David.” Now that David Andrew is here,

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Well said.

I follow a blog called Paradox Uganda, and it’s different than any other blog I’ve read. It’s written by Dr. Jennifer Myhre, she and her family have lived in Africa (mostly Uganda, most recently Kenya) as missionaries through World Harvest Mission for almost two decades. Like most missionaries, Dr. Myhre has abundant tales of trials,

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Good morning. Every morning, before he does anything else, David does his morning stretches. I undo his swaddle. He arches his back. And raises his arms. Feels so goooood! Ok, mommy, now I’m ready to start the day.