Happy Halloween!More on Halloween later. We have more important festivities to get to first. This little guy had a very exciting weekend. He went to his first First Birthday Party. The guest of honor was this little guy. This is David’s cousin, Caleb. We have zero pictures of the two sweetest Kriegers together and there’s no
I’ve never been a worrier, planner or think-aheader. I’m the person who packs moments before a trip and doesn’t bother to look up directions. My mantra: everything will work out just fine. And ya know what? It usually does. It’s why God puts people like Tom in my life, because sometimes it pays off to
This… …is happening so much more now. Self-soothing! Next thing I know he’ll be off to college. (Since we’re on the subject of milestones, last night Tom put David to bed all by himself while I sat on the couch. LOOK AT US GO!)
I’ve been diligently running the past few weeks, so I figure it’s high time for an update. In short: Running is still hard, but it’s getting a little easier. One foot in front of the other. The catch-22 with running, though, is that just when it gets easier you add some time or pile on
Usually when David wakes up in the morning, he’s all smiles. He stretches and wiggles and waves. But mostly he just smiles and smiles. It’s easily his favorite part of the day. Usually. This particular morning he acted more like he had a hangover. I pulled him into bed with me and he snoozed HARD
Generally speaking, I believe forgiveness is important, necessary, critical. After all, forgiveness is central to my faith in Jesus Christ. However, there’s no forgiveness in college football. I’ll never forget the final seconds of this game. Matt Ryan, I like to think you were watching the game last weekend (and for that matter, last year,
Our little guy is two months old. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say little. He does weigh 13.2 lbs, wears 3-6 month clothes, and is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. When people see him, they always guess that he’s 3 months old. (At what age does that stop? When I look big people
Virginia Tech football… …a family affair. [My sister DID go to UVa…and UVa DID upset #12 Georgia Tech this weekend, which IS sort of a big deal.]
Since babies sleep on their backs these days, doctors recommend they have some “tummy time” every day. The point is for them to strengthen their back and neck muscles, which used to happen when babies were squirming before and after sleeping. David isn’t sure what he thinks of tummy time. Sometimes he loves it and
This chick ran a marathon when she was 39 weeks pregnant. And then she had a baby. I also read on Kara Goucher’s blog that she: 1) had a baby Oct. 1 2) was running 50 miles a week by Oct. 20. Dang.