COVID-19 Quarantine Weeks 11, 12, and 13

For ten weeks I faithfully documented our quarantine. I published week 10 just after Thomas’s birthday, and after that I started wondering how long I’d keep this up.

See, when I started, I thought the quarantine would be temporary. And I thought that it would end with us flinging open the doors and returning to life as usual.

I *think* that’s what I thought, anyway. It’s been so long, who can remember?

This is a big catch up, and probably my last of the series. Today was the kids’ last day of school, and we’re settling into summer. More importantly, we’re settling into this new weird world of quarantine.

I would like to take a moment to brag on my kids. They’ve adjusted amazingly well. They haven’t been complaining about not going places or seeing people, and even though there has been SO MUCH FIGHTING and SO MANY MESSES, they’re doing great together.

Honestly, nine solid years of being the most boring mom ever is really paying off right now.

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Imagine how excited your kids would be when you tell them you’re breaking quarantine…then imagine telling them it’s to do go the doctor’s office to be swabbed for strep.

After concurrently treating everyone with antibiotics, I got strep AGAIN. This time, I wanted to see for sure if one of the kids was a carrier. They all tested negative, so the strep is still a gigantic, annoying mystery.

(Side note good news, you can still get lollipops at the doctor during COVID.)


The kids found a turtle in the creek near our house. The brought it to the house and created a habitat, then mean mom made them release it.

They were all bummed. Turns out I’m the only person who has any memory at all of our first turtle.


The next day, the spotted another (Or the same!? We’ll never know!) turtle in the pond behind our house. David spent hours trying to catch it. It kept surfacing juuuuuust out of his reach. He made a turtle-catching tool with a plastic flower pot and a stick.

Thomas served as his spotter. Anna was moral support.

Krieger chicken update: since one of our chick died, and we’re pretty sure one (Buttercup) is a rooster, we got two more chicks.

Introducing Peng and Panda.

Mom’s suggestions of “Peng” and “Wynn” or “Peng” and “Pong” were rejected.

The kid who is most fascinated by the chicks continues to be David. He loves watching them in the yard, and runs to check on them first thing in the morning.

I love it. He’s such a big, tough kid, but stuff like this shows his tender heart.

This photo sums up these past few weeks for Mary. Bike helmet (she never stops riding her bike) bathing suit (pool ready!) and holding a chicken.

(You can see the under-construction chicken coop behind Mary. It’s complete now, and the oldest chicks have moved in. Plz do not share this information with the local foxes, raccoons, etc.)

Thomas, apparently teaching the chicks survival skills. Everyone has a job.


Our favorite season has arrived: hose season.

Also pool season.


Thomas went outside to look for skinks. He LOVES skinks. He couldn’t find any, so instead he watched earthworms. Can you find the one he’s watching?

He so bored by coloring or writing, but he has unlimited patience for earthworms.


Mary’s birthday! We celebrated with a small family party and a LOT of donuts.

I made “Mary Temples” for the kids. Basically Shirley Temples but, ya know, re-named for the occasion.


We also had a little friend birthday parade for Mary. She’s seen these and really wanted to do one, even though here in Virginia I think we can technically have actual parties.

Absolutely no one will be surprised to know that I cried when Mary’s first friends pulled up. You guys, friends are important, and Mommy misses her friends, too.

Her best friend from kindergarten remembered that Mary loves donuts. This is a v v v important friend quality.

These boys! They had a sleepover and packed the same shirt. I mean, COME ON.


While David was on the sleepover, Mary and I went on a birthday bike ride: 7 miles for my 7-year-old.

She learned to ride a bike like a month ago and now she’s riding SEVEN MILES!?!? By mile five she was hot, thirsty, and exhausted, but she pushed through. When we got home she drank a giant cup of water and jumped in the pool.

I’m so proud of her.

HISTORY IS HAPPENING, and I don’t want my kids to miss it. I took them to the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument Avenue, and it was a powerful experience. If you haven’t already, you can read about it here.


SCHOOL IS FINALLY OUT FOR SUMMER!! On Friday I called David in from playing for his very last video chat with his class.

We celebrated with strawberries and homemade whipped cream.

Anna and Thomas didn’t have school, but they had to deal with weeks of being neglected while I managed David and Mary’s school.

And me? I feel like I was in a teacher crash-course that I flunked. Maybe because it’s a class I never enrolled in and didn’t want.

You guys. Worst year of school ever.

Now on to what I’m good at — catching bugs and chasing chickens. Summer is IN SESSION.


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