Christmas 2017

Our first Christmas as a family of six was exactly as wonderful, memorable, and sleep-deprived as I expected.

Reading the Christmas story before opening presents. 

The first peek at presents. 

Anna turned six weeks old the day before Christmas. Did you know that baby fussiness peaks at six weeks? Anna knew!

We went to Christmas Eve services on Saturday and Sunday evenings, and after both, Anna fussed and screamed and refused to eat or sleep. It lasted long enough to send me into a full-blown new-mom tailspin — maybe this is reflux? Or a dairy sensitivity? MAYBE IT’S PUBERTY!? LET’S JUST DRIVE TO THE ER RIGHT NOW!!

Now her 5-10 p.m. fussing is part of our daily routine, so much that we can set our watch to it, and we often reminisce about the days before Anna realized THAT she is the most powerful member of our family.


Even though Anna’s fussing was the soundtrack of our holiday, that did not stop us from having a very merry Christmas. We spent time with Tom’s family, we spent time with my family, and Tom took two entire weeks off. Every morning he got up with the big kids so Anna and I could lounge in bed and pretend to be Beyoncé.

Oh, and DID I MENTION, Mary Virginia got a unicorn surprise, and it had FIVE babies so, um yeah, you could say we had THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.



1 Comment

  1. Gayle Ann January 4, 2018

    Love the picture of Mary Virginia in the snow princess cape.

    Have you ever thought about entering some of your pictures in photo contests, like your local county fair? You have a knack for capturing the magic of the moment, as opposed to simply taking a picture.


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