Fanatics, the leading online retailer of officially licensed sports merchandise, invited me to be part of their Future Fanatics campaign to show how the super-fans of tomorrow are getting their start. has everything from MLB hats to football jerseys from your favorite college team. Or if you still need a World Cup jersey, they’ve got those, too.
We were trying to get her to say, “21.5 lbs, in size 12-18 month clothes, ten and a half months old.” But this is as far as we’ve gotten. And I suppose it’ll do. For now.
October 31 is sort of the deadline for carving pumpkins, right? So this morning, as soon as Mary Virginia went down for her nap, I took David outside to carve our pumpkin. I was hoping for a really fun, sensory experience, but I’ve done this nonsense long enough to know it probably wouldn’t go how

Ladies and gentlemen, the birthday boy: Note: David’s diaper is hangin’ low because it’s full of water from the sprinklers. Video transcript: D: Oh, I fine. A: Are you ok, David? D: David the bicycle!…Riding the bike…Come on, Na-EE (Mommy). Nah-EE! Push David bike. A: Hey, David, how old are you? D: I’m two! A:
The other day during dinner, David was shoving corn in his mouth without putting his water down. He did it for like five minutes straight, which is 34 years in toddler time. Once I went to get the camera, though, he stopped. Toddlers are spiteful like that. As soon as he put his water down
After two weeks of vomit, diarrhea, and laundry, everyone in our family is back to eating solid foods. It’s a good thing, David has missed his daily bowl of marshmallows. Here’s the upside: we’ve saved a ton on groceries. David used to love spaghetti, then he hated it, and now he loves it again. He must have realized
Tom has been traveling for the past two weeks, and both David and I missed him very much. When Tom is gone it means I have to take over all the “daddy jobs,” things like taking out the trash and compost, disposing of the birds Brigham leaves on our porch every morning (happy spring to you, too,