

When I try a new snack with my kids, I’ve learned to expect anything. They have rejected all things sweet, savory, salty, crispy, and crunchy. Recently Mary Virginia stuck a dagger directly into my heart when she told me that she doesn’t like Cheetos anymore because they’re “too juicy.” Recently I made these, hoping they’d

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Semantics – QUACKY

Semantics – QUACKY

Mary Virginia has an annoying, grating baby voice that I don’t allow her to use with me. Since she can’t talk to ME in this voice, she decided to use it for her toy duck, Quacky. I overheard her having this play conversation with Quacky.   Quacky: Mary, where are we going today? Mary Virginia:

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Somehow my kids just happened to miss the madness known as the movie Frozen. Mary Virginia was a tad too young, to be swallowed up by it all, and David was too busy on the racetrack with Lightning McQueen. BUT Have you heard of Moana? I’m not exactly sure how or when it happened, but my kids

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While listening to the Mary Poppins soundtrack: Oh, it’s a jolly holiday with Mary, Mary makes your heart so light. When the day is gray and ordinary, Mary makes the sun shine bright. Oh, happiness is bloomin’ all around her, the daffodils are smilin’ at the dove. When Mary holds your hand, you feel so grand, your heart

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If there is any silver lining to my thumb injury, it’s that we got to spend extended time with my mom. After my surgery my mom basically moved in with us. There was a whole battery of things that I simply couldn’t do (buckle carseats or life jackets, manipulate diaper tabs, lift Thomas in and

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Mary Virginia: Mommy, do you want to hear the song I made to help Thomas stop fussing? Me: SURE! Mary Virginia: Quack, quack, quack goes the little feather duck! [Thomas continues fussing] David: Um, Mary Virginia. I think you need to make the song longer. Mary Virginia: QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK goes

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I completely forget the circumstances that sent me there (which is maybe best?), but one day I was standing in the kitchen, shoving pretzels in my mouth faster than I could chew. Mary Virginia: Mommy, why are you eating pretzels like that? Me: Well, Dear, It’s because you’re stressing me out. Mary Virginia: [starts laughing] But,

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We were driving home from the playground one day and Mary Virginia announced that she was bored. I guess that’s what happens when you spend all morning frolicking at a playground. I was on the highway and focusing on the road so instead of my routine of twirling flaming batons to keep Queen Mary entertained, I said, “Ok! Let’s

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Mary Virginia likes to play house, and whenever she does, she assigns everyone a character. For example, last weekend she was playing house at the beach. She was the mommy, David was the daddy, Tom was the grandpa, and I was the mermaid statue. One morning before playing house we were ironing out the details: Mary

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