These days, when Tom comes home and there’s something like a 7-lb bag of pretzel M&M’s sitting on the counter, I just shrug my shoulders and remind him that I’m pregnant; I have no control of decisions at the grocery store. The same thing happened last week when I made candied grapefruit peels. I’ve never
When David woke up from his nap yesterday, my kitchen looked like this. He was understandably elated. You’re probably assuming he woke up early and caught me in the middle of a Halloween craft, but I actually planned this. I love, love, love roasted pumpkin seeds. Usually I just buy a couple of pie pumpkins
A few weeks ago we had the Purdy family over for dinner. The Purdys have an insatiable appetite for pizza, so we thought, why just have DINNER when we can have a PIZZA PARTY!? Before they arrived, I made dough (the dough recipe I use is at the bottom of the post) and rolled out

I love to cook, but I’ve never posted recipes before. I’ve really really thought about it, but I figure that as long as Pioneer Woman is blogging, you don’t really need my recipes. Today I’m making an exception since my mom’s been asking for this recipe for weeks. She’s coming to visit this weekend, an
Can you see what David is chewing on? How about now? It’s a chicken bone. And he is NOT sharing. See those eyes? They’re the eyes of gratitude. His Grammy would be so proud.

Contrary to what these photos might imply, we haven’t started solids with David yet. Instead, we’ve just been putting him in his high chair while WE eat solids. He likes it so far; being on the same level with us is his version of a Caribbean cruise. When we went to Franklin County for my mom’s birthday,
I’ve never been a worrier, planner or think-aheader. I’m the person who packs moments before a trip and doesn’t bother to look up directions. My mantra: everything will work out just fine. And ya know what? It usually does. It’s why God puts people like Tom in my life, because sometimes it pays off to