A sophisticated palate

A sophisticated palate

Can you tell what Mary Virginia is chewing on? It’s an onion. A raw onion. It’s the raw onion I stashed under her crib to try to heal her ear infection. She found it and walked around the house gnawing on it. Mary Virginia loves raw onions. Every time I slice an onion, she cries

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A Lightning McQueen birthday cake

A Lightning McQueen birthday cake

I thought long and hard about a theme for David’s third birthday. For his first and second birthdays I chose based on the decoration potential. This year I thought long and hard about David’s interests and finally, reluctantly, chose to throw him a Lightning McQueen party. He likes Lightning McQueen a heck of a lot

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Frozen yogurt drops

Frozen yogurt drops

The other day David asked me for a banana, and when I handed it to him he looked at me the way I look at people when they say “literally” when they should have said “figuratively”. Turns out, the banana broke when I put it on the table. We haven’t had that sort of drama

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Carb-loading: Spaghetti Pomodoro

Carb-loading: Spaghetti Pomodoro

Tomorrow is the first day of the pre-race taper for the half marathon. For weeks now Tom and I have been running 10+ miles every Saturday. Long runs on Saturday means carb-loading on Fridays. I discovered long ago that the best pre-run meal for me is one that’s quick and easy (being on your feet cooking

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An excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast

An excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast

We’ve been on a huge muffin kick over here since a friend brought a plate of muffins over on my birthday. (Thanks, Rachel!) Zucchini muffins, apple muffins, all with probably too many chocolate morsels. We’ll probably eventually make pumpkin muffins, but not because I’m on the pumpkin-lover bandwagon of people who spend fall drinking pumpkin

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