Cue the graduation march

Cue the graduation march

Me at David’s preschool graduation: “Whoa!? People dress up for this?” Me on the way to Mary Virginia’s preschool graduation: “I have an inappropriately fancy dress, and three dress shoe options.” (She decided on her Crocs.) \ We also brought along an eye-rolling kindergartener who kept accusing me of not going to his preschool graduation.

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Cleaning pennies with ketchup and two very relavant tangents

Cleaning pennies with ketchup and two very relavant tangents

I’m going to begin with a tangent, but stick with me, because this rabbit trail is leading straight to a toddler activity, I promise. I am a person who enjoys an ice cold Diet Coke, or twelve, and if you also enjoy Diet Coke then, like me, you have probably encountered friends and strangers who feel obligated to

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