31 weeks, 2 days

31 weeks, 2 days

This morning at the bus stop, one of the kids looked at me and said, “WHAT is in your belly?” Me and my belly have been at the bus stop every morning and afternoon for two weeks, but for some reason he JUST NOW realized that I’m a dead ringer for Humpty Dumpty. My first

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The next chapter

The next chapter

If you ask David if he likes school, find something to hold onto before he answers — YES! YES! YES! YES! — his excitement might knock you over. He comes home smiling and amiable, talking about his new friends. He hasn’t been hungry, moody, or overly tired — something I worried about in the weeks

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Rapidly approaching the hill

Rapidly approaching the hill

The day before my birthday HAPPENED to be the our first full day back after vacation. I don’t know if my kids are the only kids who do this, but my kids spend at least one entire day after vacation punishing us for going on vacation. Like, if you parents think you’re going to take

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Semantics – QUACKY

Semantics – QUACKY

Mary Virginia has an annoying, grating baby voice that I don’t allow her to use with me. Since she can’t talk to ME in this voice, she decided to use it for her toy duck, Quacky. I overheard her having this play conversation with Quacky.   Quacky: Mary, where are we going today? Mary Virginia:

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Somehow my kids just happened to miss the madness known as the movie Frozen. Mary Virginia was a tad too young, to be swallowed up by it all, and David was too busy on the racetrack with Lightning McQueen. BUT Have you heard of Moana? I’m not exactly sure how or when it happened, but my kids

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Anything can happen when the two-year old is the only one paying attention

Anything can happen when the two-year old is the only one paying attention

At my most recent prenatal check-up, my doctor was asking me how I’d been feeling, and I told her what I tell everyone — mostly fine but super duper, all-the-time exhausted. We talked about my iron levels and a few other things and then she asked, “Are you getting enough sleep?” Yes. I’m mostly sleeping

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