Happy birthday, Pops

On the same day David turned a whole four months old, Tom’s dad also celebrated a milestone birthday. We celebrated a few days after his actual birthday, because he was busy babysitting for one of his grandsons on his birthday. Did you catch that? He was babysitting. On his birthday. And what was his lovely

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Wrapped around his little finger

Wrapped around his little finger

Before David’s arrival I had this whole parenting thing figured out. Perhaps you can relate. I was a really good parent before I had a baby. I had standards for child-rearing. Especially during the early, EASY stage. I would NEVER be soft, and definitely not nervous. I didn’t even think having a baby would make

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We had a visit from some old friends this weekend

We had a visit from some old friends this weekend. It’s good for us to have visitors. Otherwise I’m not sure I’d ever clean the bathrooms. The boys ended our brunch with a sing-a-long. It sounded something like this. (Tanner forgot his wings. But he remembered his banjo.)