

I could turn thirty all day long and not think twice about it, but nothing made me feel old like realizing I graduated from college ten years ago. I’ve been out of college for a DECADE, for two and a half times longer than I was in college. Ew, gross. Forget I ever said that.

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Adding to our social circle

Adding to our social circle

Even though Mary Virginia is a freshly-minted one year old, I still think of her as an itty bitty baby. But nothing makes my itty bitty baby seem like a monster, more than seeing her next to an actual newborn. Welcome, Baby Rosie. Mary Virginia would love nothing more than to liberate you from that

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Tom told me that this week was the coldest on record in March. We are so lucky to be alive during this historical moment. Winter is, I hope, having its last gasp; snow, ice, frigid temperatures. I did posts in honor of summer and fall, and  though winter is not my favorite, I’m also a

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Try, “Not Having Kids”: the video that made me realize how long it’s been since I walked up the stairs eating an ice cream cone

Try, “Not Having Kids”: the video that made me realize how long it’s been since I walked up the stairs eating an ice cream cone

I’d like to introduce you to Amanda Giobbi, my best friend from college. We met at Virginia Tech on my 18th birthday, August 29, 2000. I was going out to eat with some girls I’d just met on my hall (more about that here), and she made me laugh harder than anyone I’d ever met.

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Carb-loading: Spaghetti Pomodoro

Carb-loading: Spaghetti Pomodoro

Tomorrow is the first day of the pre-race taper for the half marathon. For weeks now Tom and I have been running 10+ miles every Saturday. Long runs on Saturday means carb-loading on Fridays. I discovered long ago that the best pre-run meal for me is one that’s quick and easy (being on your feet cooking

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Halloween was awesome. And how could it not be? We’ve got Berkley Grace toddling around in an elephant suit, a wagon ride through the neighborhood, staying up past bedtime, coming home with a bag of candy. Even when it rains all night, it’s hard to not enjoy Halloween. This is the first year David could

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Here’s one way I’m probably different than you: I don’t love fall. I have to admit, I like football and the break in the humidity and the opportunity to gain 15 pounds between November and December, but I do not look forward to fall. Fall leads to winter, and winter means fewer hours of sunshine,

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One of the side benefits of having a newborn in the house is that they draw lots of admiring visitors. When you’re lucky, the visitors are some of your oldest, dearest, out-of-town friends. The other side benefit is that since you have a newborn in the house, you don’t even have to come up with an excuse

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A living room full of answered prayers

A living room full of answered prayers

We celebrated July 4th with two of Tom’s best friends. He grew up with these guys, and they’re all married with kids now. Nothing much has changed except they don’t play nearly as much GoldenEye on Nintendo 64 as they did back in middle school. Between the three couples there are seven kids under the

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