Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation

Does anyone else think he looks like he’s only pretending to sleep in this photo? He might have been. He woke up when the shutter clicked. Faker! Speaking of sleep, Tom and I had the following conversation at 5am. Amanda: Tom! Guess what, this is the first time David’s woken up since 11, he slept

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Smile for me.

Smile for me.

He’s been doing it for a while now. That reflexive, infant smile. You know, the one some moms blame on gas but love nonetheless. Here’s what I called David’s newborn smile. To get this shot, I held the camera by my face for about five hours hoping lightning would strike. BAM. But now, we’re pretty

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Weekend visitors

This weekend David had some special visitors all the way from Southwest Virginia. He met his great-uncle David. All my life we’ve called my mom’s brother “Uncle David” and, when we need to distinguish the two, my brother has been “little David” or (when he was younger) “baby David.” Now that David Andrew is here,

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Good morning. Every morning, before he does anything else, David does his morning stretches. I undo his swaddle. He arches his back. And raises his arms. Feels so goooood! Ok, mommy, now I’m ready to start the day.

Babies don’t keep

Babies don’t keep

My mother in law told me about this poem, and I love it. Too often I find myself wishing the newborn phase away (I want to interact with this kid, yo!) so I appreciate reminders that this is a quick and precious phase, the laundry can wait (not that the house has ever been that

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One month

One month

What a difference a month makes. Four weeks ago today I was very grumpy, very pregnant, and relatively certain my pregnancy was a permanent condition (which I think every woman starts wondering somewhere around 39 weeks). (grumpy? yes.) I was particularly irritable toward people who suggested I eat at a certain restaurant, see a certain

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The best day of David’s life.

The best day of David’s life.

We’ll probably forget a lot of David’s “firsts”. Things like first earthquake, first hurricane sort of fade as distant memories, don’t they? But some firsts stick. Today marked the best day of David’s life thus far — his very first Hokie game day. Virginia Tech – 66, Appalachian State – 13 And what a game

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The first two weeks

The first two weeks

Having a newborn in the mix makes things hectic, sure, but things have been extra-hectic around the 804 in the first two weeks of David’s life. August 23 – We don’t have earthquakes in Virginia. I equate earthquakes with volcanoes, they’re other people’s problems. But 5 days after David’s birth, we had a 5.8 earthquake

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David Andrew Krieger

David Andrew Krieger

This scene can only mean one thing… There’s a baby in the house! Welcome to the family David Andrew Krieger. Our son David was born Tuesday, August 16 at 6:39pm. He weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 inches long. (By the way, how do moms remember all that info for years? I already forget which

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