The first haircut and other milestones

Thomas needs a haircut.

I’m balking because I love his beautiful hair. It usually looks tousled and sweet, but occasionally looks really messy and unkempt. I know, I realize the insanity of assuming a two-year old boy ever looks anything but messy and unkempt. But there’s a difference between cute toddler unkempt and feral toddler messy. It’s a fine line and I’m trying to stay ahead of the curve.

If I owned a toddler hair cuttery, the tagline would be, “We promise to only trim your sweet baby’s hair. We will not chop it all off and turn him into a full-grown man.”

It would continue, “We too value those sweet curls, the tuft of gold on his forehead.”

“We promise it’ll just be a haircut. We will not cut his hair and then send him directly to college. (Where, ironically, he’d fit in better before the haircut.)”


If there was a haircut place that admitted it’d make him look like a big kid, but there’d be the side effect of maturing him past that stage where he’s crawling up on the table and throwing cherries into the living room, or taking off his diaper, sliding over a chair to play in the sink and dumping a bowl of water on his head.

For that I might say goodbye to the curls.




  1. Brittany June 27, 2019

    Awh those toehead curls are too cute! My little one is so bald, at this rate she won’t need a haircut until she starts school!

  2. Mellie Sue June 28, 2019

    My son got his first haircut recently and I am still grieving his curls! I know they will grow back, but it’s just not the same.

  3. Annie June 29, 2019

    oh too cute 🙂 I just had the thought today that our 2 year old looked feral toddler messy (although I didn’t yet have that vocabulary) after she insisted on wiping the contents of her pbj all over her face and through her hair at lunch. And I was all like – I JUST gave you a bath yesterday…seriously? 😉

  4. Mel June 29, 2019

    This post is just the cutest. It literally gave me goosebumps!! The first haircut is such a special moment, no matter what age you choose to do it at. For us it was pretty early; K’s hair just kept getting in his eyes. It was still just as special though. Thanks for sharing this, Mama. He is so sweet.


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