Tummy time

Since babies sleep on their backs these days, doctors recommend they have some “tummy time” every day. The point is for them to strengthen their back and neck muscles, which used to happen when babies were squirming before and after sleeping.

David isn’t sure what he thinks of tummy time. Sometimes he loves it and lifts his head and looks around. Other times he starts crying instantly.

I never leave his side when he’s on his tummy. I’m in full mama bear mode, usually wondering how in the world moms let their kids sleep on their bellies.

…Because every now and then, David does this cute move. It’s called “smothering himself”.
Face down, wriggling, squirming with no apparent way out.

And whenever he does it, I 1) panic 2) count to three 3) rescue him from suffocation (and in this case, I took a picture. It was a panicked picture, I promise).

Then, sometimes, he does this adorable move. It’s called “sweet dreams.” 

And it helps me understand how moms bring themselves to put their babies to sleep on their bellies: babies love sleeping on their bellies.

It’s more evidence to what I suspected when I was pregnant and constantly craving junk food: babies don’t know what’s good for them.

P.S. these pictures were taken last week. He doesn’t fit in this outfit any more – we’re up to 3-6 months. Growin’ like a little weed.


  1. Grammy October 12, 2011

    From a Mom who did put her babies on their bellies, the sheet was much more taut than what I see in this picture and no extra stuff in the crib.

  2. Kristie October 13, 2011

    Two of my babies slept on their bellies….


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