Snow mom

Snow mom

By now, these snow pictures are two snows old. This is before the southern snowstorm that’s currently outside, before the three-inch snow-pacolypse that knocked out our power, left us without internet and cancelled schools for a week, and after the “2014 Cold Wave” better known as the Polar Vortex. This was our first snow, a typical

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There are two types of people: Those who panic when it snows and those who laugh at those who panic when it snows

There are two types of people: Those who panic when it snows and those who laugh at those who panic when it snows

I don’t like winter. Not even one little bit. In “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, C.S. Lewis uses winter as an allegory for a world overcome by evil. Without hope. Without Jesus. And it’s an image we can all relate to in a visceral way because we’ve all lived through the months known

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Snow day

Snow day

We’re having quite the snow day here in Richmond, Va. It’s way too cold and windy for a delicate flower like myself to go outside, even for the sake of a photo. I mean, I’d probably need to put on a coat or something, right? No thank you. I took this through our living room

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Hurricane preparedness

Hurricane preparedness

I just put David down for a morning nap, which isn’t going to happen because it hasn’t happened in over a week…but mama still has hope…and a fussy baby. So we’re trying. Last week Tom was out of town for work. Before he left I told him that the one thing that would keep me

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Recently I was looking through my tag cloud and decided to clean it up. I have a tag for “Virginia Tech” and also “Hokies”. Probably don’t need both. I also have a “natural disasters” tag. I used it when I did an  update on the first two weeks of David’s life. Remember those two weeks?

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The first two weeks

The first two weeks

Having a newborn in the mix makes things hectic, sure, but things have been extra-hectic around the 804 in the first two weeks of David’s life. August 23 – We don’t have earthquakes in Virginia. I equate earthquakes with volcanoes, they’re other people’s problems. But 5 days after David’s birth, we had a 5.8 earthquake

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