Thomas Christopher Krieger Jr. Born May 19, 2015 8 lb, 10 oz., 22 in. Mommy and Daddy enter the hospital: 6:35 a.m. Baby Thomas enters the world: 6:38 a.m. Since the very beginning, Thomas has been sucking on his fingers and chewing on his hands. He doesn’t seem to be the sort of drowsy newborn who will nurse and
If you happen to see Mary Virginia anytime soon, make sure to compliment her on her newly erupted lower incisors. She’s been working on them for several agonizing weeks, and now that they’re here, they’re her greatest accomplishment. Or maybe mine. If you’ve ever read any of Mary Virginia’s updates, you can guess what I’m about
Last week Mary Virginia turned 22 months old. I think it’s been my favorite month yet, and I’m not just saying that because I’ve gotten more sleep in the past month than I have since she was born. It’s not the only reason, but it’s certainly ONE of the reasons. Before you assume that the earth has fallen
These posts are getting harder and harder to write, and it’s not just because I’m getting lazier with each passing month. It’s because Mary Virginia as grows, she’s becoming more singular and harder to articulate. There are two things on my mind as I finally sit down to write this update, almost two weeks after she turned
We didn’t send out a Christmas card this year, but if we had it probably would have looked something like this. And it would say: Merry Christmas from the Kriegers. And then, perhaps on the back, we’d add a blurb telling our family and friends that Tom and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting
Mary Virginia is sixteen months old. If you’re a careful reader you might have noticed that I didn’t write a fifteen-month update. I’ve been late with updates before, but I’ve never completely skipped one. I’ve justified it, though. After all, we’ve been busy, I spent most of last month recovering from summer travel. Most importantly, Mary Virginia is my