

We don’t use our dryer. It’s one of those weird things I picked up from my parents, and Tom goes along with it because not using the dryer saves money. In addition to saving money, using a clothes line is one of those simple things you can do to live a greener lifestyle. Hanging our

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Nine months

Since sharing all his business on the Internet has already bought David, at the worst, years of therapy and, at the very best, lots and lots of eye rolling, I’m just going to go ahead and throw caution to the wind here. Internet, I give you David’s most noticeable development this past month: We’ve introduced

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One thing’s for sure: he’s cuter than the books that used to be under the coffee table

David has a new trick. It’s very technical.  It’s called “crawling through the coffee table.” The first time he did it I went nuts. My heart exploded and I grabbed the camera. These photos? They’re for his college applications.  I didn’t take any photos of the dismount because at that point he hadn’t quite mastered

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Birdies for my baby

Birdies for my baby

I’ve been a knitter for years, and I’ve been knitting for other people’s babies for just as long. The most popular item I knit is these hats. It’s from a pattern I learned from a friend’s mom. Through the years I’ve knit hundreds of these hats, so I’ve got the pattern down. Now that I

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A day at the beach

You can’t go to Hilton Head without going to the beach. The weather was a little cool, but not too cool to see the Atlantic for the first time. He loved the waves, and tried to convince us to just toss him in the water so he could swim away with the dolphins. But do

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