A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016. David / He’s spent weeks trying to catch butterflies, but he can never even get within feet of them. Lucky for him, though his mother really struggles to pick out paint colors or organize a mudroom, she’s excellent at catching insects. (His mother also really
The whole forecast is full of hot, humid days and the second Tom opened his mouth to complain about it I shouted YOUJUSTSTOPITRIGHTNOW! Because remember a few weeks ago? When we were all bummed that it was JULY but too cold to swim? REMEMBER THAT? Kids, we’re sweating for the next two months and WE’RE
When I’m taking pictures I almost exclusively use my 35mm lens. That’s my #2 photography tip (#1 is to bring jelly beans to get kids to sit and smile). The 35mm fixed lens takes great photos, even if you’re like me and don’t know what you’re doing. This week I broke out my zoom lens and took these at 18mm.
Happy 4th of July weekend from the Kriegers! Yesterday I tried to explain why we celebrate Independence Day to the kids and was baffled by the number of concepts I had to introduce. War, taxes, sovereignty, the existence of our country and also other countries. Two minutes into it I gave up because my kids already understand hotdogs and hamburgers
Happy Father’s Day! My gift to Tom was letting him wake up with the kids (again) while I slept in (again). And now that I put it that way, I guess every day is Father’s Day around here. A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016. David / Sweet big boy hands
Friends keep asking me if we’re swimming yet. The answer? A resounding yes. Yes, we’re swimming twice a day, every day. I’ve only been in the pool once. Not because of this, but because we’re in the middle of the coldest, cloudiest, rainiest late-spring/early-summer I can remember. It’s so cold that every time I go in
We moved over the weekend and WOW. Moving is a lot of work. And I am not good at work. I am really really good at watching reality television. Thankfully the kids are doing great with all the transitions, and they’re already used to living in wall-to-wall clutter and chaos. A portrait of my children, once
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016 David / David and Brigham, hanging on the couch like bros. I used to write about David and Brigham’s relationship a lot, back when David loved to lay on Brigham and Brigham used to beg me to put him in the Witness Protection Program.