What does a dragon say? Rooooooaaaaaaar! Once Tom taught David what dragons say, he roared the entire time we trick-or-treated. Check out these two guys. It took a Halloween miracle to get them to sit still in that wagon and look at the camera. It’s amazing to see how much they’ve grown since last year.
Today is Halloween, and I didn’t even have a chance to get excited because we all spent the past week preparing to get blown away by Hurricane Sandy (which didn’t happen, and my pansies are fine). This year we’re going trick-or-treating with David’s cousins Caleb and Berkley Grace. Since this is our second year, I
I’ve been counting down the days to David’s fourteen month birthday for a while now. There isn’t any sort of milestone or celebration, but I went over my texts this month and my plan happens to reset on the same day as David’s fourteen month birthday. For a while now every text I’ve sent or
You might not know this, but my blog has a fan club. Its president, founding member, and director of marketing is Peggy: Tom’s mom, my mother-in-law, and David’s Mimi. Last Friday was her birthday. Peggy loves the blog, and she’s called me, emailed me, and shouted it from her rooftop. It helps that the blog
Last Saturday morning I woke up early and ran 12 miles with Sharon. Doesn’t that sound so wonderful! And healthy! And refreshing! An early morning long run sounds wonderful when you’re talking about it, but doing it is entirely something different. Sharon arrived at my house with caffeinated Gu packs for mid-run fueling and a
Last night I was getting David’s bath ready and he started tossing his bath toys into the tub. He threw a Tupperware bowl, a red toucan, and the letters B-O-Y. In that order. The odds are too great for this to be a coincidence – there are 26 letters and 10 numbers in that basket.
When we went to the Virginia Tech game in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago, we sat with Pittsburgh fans. The Pittsburgh had so much to cheer about that David remembered how to clap during the game. Last week Tom held David while he watched VT play Cinncinnati, and he learned to yell at the television. At least