A bit of housekeeping [or the social media version of a DTR with no tears and only a few dramatic pauses]

In some ways, I’m very, very bad at blogging.

I really enjoy the photography and writing aspect of blogging, but there’s all this other stuff that people who are really good at blogging do –that I’m either too lazy to do or just don’t understand. Things like promoting their blog through social media, and optimizing SEO.

SEO is definitely over my head, and I only sort of use social media for my blog. Very few of my posts are Pinn-able (huge blogger mistake), I don’t use Twitter at all, and even though I’m on Instagram and Facebook, I don’t even have social media buttons in my sidebar.

But I recently decided to take a step forward in the land of social media. I created a Facebook page for my blog (CLICK HERE!)

…I’ll wait for the applause to die down…

Until now I’ve been sharing my blog posts on my personal Facebook page, which has worked great. But this way blog updates won’t be all over the Newsfeed of my friends who maybe aren’t interested, and it gives people who are interested, but maybe don’t know me in real life, a way to easily follow along.

For a bit I’ll continue to share posts on my personal page and my public page, but eventually I’ll just share them on the public page.

If you’re a reader who usually clicks over from Facebook, this is your chance to head over HERE and “like” the page. Once you Like it, you’ll continue to see my links when I write a new post — just like always. But if you don’t, you won’t.

(You can also easily receive updates using a blog reader like Bloglovin’.)

1 Comment

  1. Carie July 6, 2015

    Oh I’m so much better at the writing and photography bit of it that the promotion, I keep meaning to get better at it but there’s only so many hours in the day!


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