Four years ago today, Tom and I got married. Happy Interdependence Day.
If we could give new couples any advice, it would be this: don’t have a baby four weeks before your anniversary. Not if you want to actually celebrate your anniversary, that is.
I’m sure there are plenty of couples with babies younger than ours who managed to have a candlelit dinner, go to a movie, drive to the Grand Canyon in time for sunset, then drive home listening to the new Jay-Z album the wife managed to get for her husband (who, surprisingly, is a HUGE Jay-Z fan) two days before the release. And even though they had to stop every three hours to feed their newborn, they made it home by 5:40 when their almost-two-year-old gets up every morning.
But we’re just too tired. Much too tired.
Our anniversary, much like Father’s Day, will be celebrated with a hug and a kiss and good intentions.
Tom managed to convince me to go out last night for some alone time for the two of us…with Mary Virginia, because she and I don’t go far from each other these days. He also sent me an e-card, because he knows me well enough to know how much I love e-cards.
Before kids, we celebrated each anniversary with a getaway to the mountains. We’ll probably do that again one day, but for now every day seems a little like another mountain to climb.
The other advice we’d like to give new couples is to not read this as a cautionary tale. Kids don’t make your marriage horrible or boring, they enhance it. Even though you might have to sit out of a few mountain getaways, having children has added another dimension to how much I love and respect Tom. Our children give me the opportunity to know him as a husband and a father. Looking at him holding our children, I can’t help but think about how incredibly blessed I am; we are.
Instead of going on and on about my wonderful husband, I’m going to lay down and try to get some rest. I have two napping children (well, one sleeping baby and one toddler protesting from his crib) and I know that Tom (who asks me over and over what he can do to help, and apologizes every morning for leaving for work) would absolutely approve.
Happy anniversary, babe.
This party has only just begun.
Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite couples! Hope you guys have a great day!!!
Happy Anniversary!
I understand completely, both our girls are summer babies, which makes celebrating our anniversary a little difficult – but hooray for your man who took you out (even with a little one in tow!). I love the quote from Bette Midler in Parental Guidance: “after your kids grow up, your husband is the one who stays.”
I love this post! Happy Anniversary to the love of my life.
As someone who was there to celebrate this wonderful union I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above. Kids do enhance a marriage.. even if you do have to give up other things sometimes
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary
Beautifully written! After 41 years of marriage I can say it is important to carve out some time just for the two of you, because as you said things do get busy and sometimes can overwhelm even the calmest of people. Your family is beautiful and I know you cherish each one and they each add a lot of love and will help you make some beautiful memories!
Happy anniversary, you two!
(I saw this post via my mom; I know I don’t know you well, but I appreciated what you had to say!)
I appreciated your comment about this not being a “cautionary tale” — as a single surrounded by young families, it’s easy to question whether I actually want to venture into that adventure. Thanks for the reminder that there’s good coming from having a family.
Love those last pictures!! Happy anniversary!!