Party on, baby

When David woke up last Saturday morning, balloons were floating around the living room. I like to think that’s when his birthday party officially started.

We planned a backyard party in August, in Richmond. And somehow it wasn’t hot and the mosquitoes weren’t (that) bad.

David woke up from his afternoon nap just as guests started to arrive. Imagine taking a nap only to wake up, having your clothes changed, and going outside to find your backyard full of people. I guess, for babies, every party is a surprise party.

He hugged this ball while the bigger kids ran around.

Tom’s grandparents live in Pittsburgh, and we don’t get to see them enough. They were able to come down for the party and David got to meet them for the first time. Gavin and Caeden were playing keep away, and Pap pulled over a chair to play with them.

Berkley Grace was our youngest party guest. Caleb, David, and Berkley Grace are all about 10 months apart. I often think, “Wow, this is how old Caleb was when David was this old…”

For example, at Caleb’s birthday party, David was 10 weeks old. At David’s birthday party, Berkley Grace was 7 weeks old.

My dad made poppers as an appetizer. Then, while everyone talked and chased babies, Tom grilled chicken and sautéed peppers and onions for fajitas. We made approximately seven pounds of chicken per person, including the babies. We still have 371 lbs of grilled chicken in our refrigerator.

After eating we headed inside for cake and presents.  I love singing Happy Birthday.



David’s had this cake before, but this time he seemed like he didn’t know what to do with it. He only eats finger food, but usually I cut it into pieces he can easily pick up.

But we just sliced a big piece of cake and plopped it on his tray. He by-passed his hands and tried for a more direct approach.

To be fair, he’s probably seen someone in my family eat this way.

Eventually he figured it out.

And he loved it. He loved the cake, the strawberries, the whipped topping. We shared the last piece after lunch yesterday.


The party mayhem started once everyone came inside. The yard absorbs the energy of little ones better than any living room.

It rose to fever pitch once we started opening presents. Each gift were opened, examined, and discarded in time for the next package. In this photo Henry only has one shoe on. But it’s kind of like if your shoe comes untied during the Olympics. Do you stop to tie it? You kick it off and keep going because ARE YOU KIDDING ME IS THAT A FIRETRUCK?

Just before 7:30 p.m., right around the time babies start breathing fire and their heads start spinning, everyone cleared out.

That’s the thing about parties. If you have a baby, they’re scheduled around nap times and end at 7:30, which is bedtime. Or also Universal Baby Implosion Time.

To my dear, sweet Doodle Dog, Happy Birthday.

To my friends and family, thank you for celebrating with us.

The celebration was just another reminder of how incredibly blessed we are.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!

For the LORD is good;
His  steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.” 

– Psalm 100: 4-5 


  1. Meredith White August 24, 2012

    Looks soo fun! We also abide by Universal Baby Implosion Time. It truly is universal.

  2. Laura @ Mommyrunfast August 24, 2012

    Happy birthday to him! I was cracking up about the cake and that he might have seen someone else eat that way. 🙂 I love that kids parties are over by 7:30, you have the whole evening to clean up and recover!

  3. Lynsie McD August 24, 2012

    What a blessing to have so many friends with kids the same age around to come to parties, and cousins to celebrate with! Looks like a blast. Our kids are going to look back and wonder why they had all these decorations and cake and just a bunch of adults standing around. Your pictures are always so great on your blog! I need to learn to take better pictures (and likely get a better camera)!

  4. Candace August 24, 2012

    so sad to have missed this!!

  5. Brenda Webb Payne August 25, 2012

    This made me cry…and laugh…at the same time. Such sweet blessings! To God be the glory!!!

  6. Helene Norris August 25, 2012

    so wish we could have been there! Looks like you all had a blast 🙂

  7. Jackie Kelly August 29, 2012

    Precious! Absolutely precious! Excited for you guys and how wonderfully blessed you are 🙂

  8. Slideshow | living on grace December 22, 2012

    […] ← Party on, baby Track Club → […]


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