David never hugs me like this.
We’re happy to be home. Traveling with a baby is hard; in 9 days David slept through the night just twice. And oh my goodness the stuff. Our car was packed with baby contraptions, brightly colored plastic and bags and bags full of nothing but items designed to absorb body fluids. We’re considering upsizing to a Greyhound bus for our next trip because we couldn’t fit our refrigerator or dining room table in our sedan.
So we’re happy to be home, but goodbyes are never easy.
These two have been in Taiwan since the Nixon administration.
Ok, not really, but sometimes it feels like it’s been that long.
The Southalls have had an eventful summer. When I say “eventful” what I mean is: a 72-hour power outage, two 911 calls, a broken microwave, a dog bite, a car accident, and is that all? Am I missing anything?
But, LOOK! We’re all in the same backyard!
That fact alone makes this summer pretty remarkable.
Your poor dad looks like he has no arms. <br>