Vickie Lee.

For the past month or so our friends and family have been generously providing us with dinner. It’s awesome. Before David was born I thought making dinner for a family was just a nice thing to do. Now I know how incredible it is.

We’ve gotten a few rotisserie chickens, and can I just say: every time I see one of these sitting on my counter, I think of my mom.

Why? You ask.

Well, because my mom has a lot of different sides.

She’s wonderful and caring, beautiful and funny.

She’s also a party on the dance floor, has impeccable fashion sense, and can hula hoop with the best of them.

And just look at this picture of her before trick-or-treating last Halloween. Don’t you just wanna hang out with her?

But one side of my mom you might not know: she can clean a chicken carcass like a hyena.

(And whenever I think about it, I can’t help but picture my brother nodding and laughing in agreement.)

My mom can easily gnaw 8 lbs of meat out of a 4 lb bird.
Growing up, I vividly remember taking my plate to the trash and my mom intercepting the bones, “are you done with those?”

So you’ll understand why I feel wasteful, if not nostalgic when I look at the remains of a chicken dinner.


  1. Kristie September 15, 2011

    What I don’t understand is….why wouldn’t you eat the meat that’s left? Who raised you anyways?? Also, Did you see the fb picture mom was tagged in recently. Party Animal. Dancing Queen.

  2. tomamanda September 15, 2011

    how did i miss that photo!? partay animal FOR SURE!

  3. Grammy September 15, 2011

    okay you two!! your time’s coming!!<br>David Andrew is saying free at last!

  4. […] Grammy would be so […]

  5. […] Next time you see me lick my plate clean or drink the juice at the bottom of the salsa bowl at a restaurant (I’ve been making fun of mom for YEARS for doing that…then I did it myself last week without thinking) just know: I get it honest. […]

  6. Refuel | living on grace December 22, 2012

    […] He’s the kind of person who forgets to eat, even after running 20 miles. He did me the sweet favor of signing up for a marathon and slimming down while I was bulking up with some serious pregnancy weight. While I will forget my keys, my address, my NAME, I will never forget to eat. Ahem. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. […]


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