My mom’s grandmother lived on a farm, like lots of people did back in those days. So she, my great-grandmother, had to go out and milk the cows every morning. My mom once told me that while my great-grandmother was out milking the cows, she’d give her babies a box of pictures to look through.
The other day I was buying some stakes at Home Depot and the cashier commented that, like David, her daughter was bald as a baby. She said she started washing it more and, guess what? Her hair grew! Maybe I should try that! Strangers make comments all the time. No, I don’t cut David’s hair.
Before you watch this video, turn up the volume on your computer as high as possible. It might seem hard to believe, but that sound is even more annoying in person. And did you notice when he lunges across the floor and then sort of bears down on a particular spot? At first glance it
We dismantled David’s swing a few weeks ago and sent it to the attic. It was surprisingly a non-event. I tend to attach fabricated sentimental value to inanimate objects. This means he is GROWING and getting BIGGER! He LOVED this swing. This swing was responsible for most of his naps for the first three months
David woke up last night with a fever. His FIRST fever. So we’re going to stay in bed all day and watch funny cat videos on YouTube. OBVIOUSLY. Have you seen this one? We have…four times already.
This sketch is combines everything I love: 1) new parents 2) pop music references 3) making fun of Bon Iver. That Jay Z impression SPOT ON. I’ve been irritated at Beyonce for weeks now. How dare she go out in public lookin’ all showered and sparkly? All this time I had my husband believing it
We started giving David some solids. Over the past few days he’s had avocado, potato and banana. He LOVES it. It’s wigged out his digestive system, though. He went from pooping three or so times a day to…zero. I’ve heard this is normal, and that when his system decides to move it will MOVE. I
Contrary to what these photos might imply, we haven’t started solids with David yet. Instead, we’ve just been putting him in his high chair while WE eat solids. He likes it so far; being on the same level with us is his version of a Caribbean cruise. When we went to Franklin County for my mom’s birthday,
A few weeks ago I went to my first post-pregnancy dentist appointment. I was nervous; I’d heard pregnancy can wreak havoc on your teeth. I was not, however prepared to hear that I had THREE cavities. (It was actually four, but four was such an embarrassing number my dentist agreed we’d say three since one