At just five weeks old, Mary Virginia is holding her head up practically as well as David did at three months. Five-week old Mary Virginia: Three-month old David: But David smiled at five weeks, and when she was five weeks old, Mary Virginia was still mostly scowling. This has to mean something, right? Like that
One of the side benefits of having a newborn in the house is that they draw lots of admiring visitors. When you’re lucky, the visitors are some of your oldest, dearest, out-of-town friends. The other side benefit is that since you have a newborn in the house, you don’t even have to come up with an excuse
Mary Virginia’s first bath – June 15, 2013 Post-bath tears Post-bath snuggles Growing up, I used to love looking through my baby book. With that in mind, I have baby books for both of my children. David’s is all filled out with pictures and anecdotes. Mary Virginia is brand new, so hers is mostly blank.
Several of my friends were due with babies in the weeks before my due date, so as I became increasingly pregnant, hormonal, uncomfortable, and anxious to meet my little girl, my Facebook newsfeed was full of new baby girls and boys. There were lots of sibling photos — pictures of big brother or sister meeting the
Before David’s arrival I had this whole parenting thing figured out. Perhaps you can relate. I was a really good parent before I had a baby. I had standards for child-rearing. Especially during the early, EASY stage. I would NEVER be soft, and definitely not nervous. I didn’t even think having a baby would make
We’re rollin’ for real here in the Krieger house. Start like this… Throw that head back… And end like this! Yay! Good job, David! He goes the other way, too. And mama was there to see it all.
I’ve never been a worrier, planner or think-aheader. I’m the person who packs moments before a trip and doesn’t bother to look up directions. My mantra: everything will work out just fine. And ya know what? It usually does. It’s why God puts people like Tom in my life, because sometimes it pays off to
This… …is happening so much more now. Self-soothing! Next thing I know he’ll be off to college. (Since we’re on the subject of milestones, last night Tom put David to bed all by himself while I sat on the couch. LOOK AT US GO!)
Usually when David wakes up in the morning, he’s all smiles. He stretches and wiggles and waves. But mostly he just smiles and smiles. It’s easily his favorite part of the day. Usually. This particular morning he acted more like he had a hangover. I pulled him into bed with me and he snoozed HARD