Five years

Five years

Right after Tom and I got married, we went to Costco and stocked up on some things. We bought a big thing of paper towels and a box of Ziploc bags that had several individual boxes of three different sizes of Ziploc bags. Five years, one cat, and two kids later we’ve finally run out

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372 months

372 months

Last week I celebrated my 31st birthday. 31, for some reason, seems remarkably older than 30. Like I said last year, 30 seems like a fake age. The number is too round, it carries too many implications. 31 is more normal, more settled. Less, “WOW! The big three-oh!” On David’s birthday, we wanted to continue

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I’m TWO!

I’m TWO!

Ladies and gentlemen, the birthday boy: Note: David’s diaper is hangin’ low because it’s full of water from the sprinklers. Video transcript: D: Oh, I fine. A: Are you ok, David? D: David the bicycle!…Riding the bike…Come on, Na-EE (Mommy). Nah-EE! Push David bike. A: Hey, David, how old are you? D: I’m two! A:

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These two

A long time ago, before David (my little brother David) was even old enough to drive, he started dating a pretty girl who lived across town. They went to prom together, and kept dating even after high school graduation. They went to Virginia Tech together, and then after college graduation they both moved back to Franklin

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When I used to work for a newspaper, the editorial staff would have a budget meeting the day after deadline. The budget meeting wasn’t about money, it was about planning the content for the next publication. We had to decide what stories we had room for, what would be on the front page, how many

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Happy birthday, babe

Happy birthday, babe

Today is Tom’s birthday. Tom would probably appreciate it if, instead of using David’s naptime to write this post, I cleaned my house and prepped dinner. Instead of a clean house and dinner simmering on the stove, Tom will come home to Cheerios all over the living room floor and his wife frantically cooking with

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