Brigham’s daily schedule looks something like this: He goes outside around 10:30 p.m., and then comes home around 8 a.m. starving, exhausted, missing tufts of fur. Sometimes brings rodents home with him. He eats, drinks from the toilet, and then he sleeps all day. He wakes up around 10:30 p.m., gets a snack, licks himself,
Today at the grocery store I bought two tomatoes. I have 10 tomato plants in my backyard, but apparently that’s not enough to feed all of our neighborhood squirrels and also my family. Every time I go outside, instead of ripe, red tomatoes, I see tomato carnage. See that stub? That’s where tomatoes should be.
We moved a few plants from our old house to our new one, including three lilies. Our new yard was full of rabbits and in no time they chewed the lilies at the base and left them there looking like trees in a clear-cut forest. Unexpectedly, the lilies came back this year. This time there
Yesterday when I went to put David down for a nap I found Brigham curled up in the corner of the crib. I put David in the crib with the cat because I figured the one thing that would make the crib no longer comfortable to Brigham would be a baby. It works in most
Because IF you have a cat, every now and then you get to open your door in the morning and find THIS: I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, I’VE BEEN MISSING OUT! Have you read Freedom by Jonathan Franzen? If you have, nod with me: Walter would have wanted to poison my cat.
On warm days like today, David helps with the laundry. I bring out a blanket and he looks around, listens to the birds, and tries his hardest to do this: Brigham comes, too. But mostly he just acts like he doesn’t know us.