

While everyone was enjoying their cake during David’s birthday party, we all gathered in the living room to watch a little year-in-review slideshow. It’s amazing to see how much happens in the first year of a baby’s life, and how much our life has changed in just one year. You can watch it here, or below. When I first

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Party on, baby

Party on, baby

When David woke up last Saturday morning, balloons were floating around the living room. I like to think that’s when his birthday party officially started. We planned a backyard party in August, in Richmond. And somehow it wasn’t hot and the mosquitoes weren’t (that) bad. David woke up from his afternoon nap just as guests

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Happy birthday, Lindsay

Happy birthday, Lindsay

This post is just a few days late. Lindsay’s birthday is May 13, which is also Mother’s Day. She was born on Mother’s Day. Hello, best Mother’s Day gift ever. That’s Lindsay for you, she was thoughtful right from the start. She even gave me a bouquet of flowers on Mother’s Day. Normally sister-in-laws don’t give each other gifts on

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A happy day to Abram Bear

A happy day to Abram Bear

TODAY (if you’re in Taiwan. Tomorrow if you’re in America) is this guy’s birthday. He’s turning three. (He’s been growing that mustache since he was two.) Abram is the middle child, sandwiched between a strong older sister and an adorable little brother. Abram, I can relate. You’ve drawn the short straw. Your role as middle

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Best Valentine’s Day gift. Ever.

Best Valentine’s Day gift. Ever.

Though Tom is very romantic, he doesn’t get the prize for best Valentine’s gift. It goes to my sweet niece Eleanora Belle, born on Valentine’s Day. From the start Ellie has been head-strong and smart and beautiful (just like her mama). On her first birthday, my mom and I went to Taiwan with a suitcase

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I don’t know how to say ‘Happy Birthday’ in Chinese, but if I did this would be an appropriate time to use that knowledge

I don’t know how to say ‘Happy Birthday’ in Chinese, but if I did this would be an appropriate time to use that knowledge

(Dear Kristie, I’m sorry this birthday post is late. You were not late with your birthday post for me. But do you know how hard it is to write a birthday post when you’re eating tortilla chips and watching Madonna get carried around by gladiators?) My sister, Kristie, moved to Taiwan six years ago. Among

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Happy birthday, John Amos

Happy birthday, John Amos

This time last year I was in Taiwan, welcoming this little guy into the world. Hello, John Amos. My name is Aunt Amanda. He was just the sweetest little baby. A whole year has passed and he’s gotten much bigger and even sweeter. Now he’s grown into a full-on adorable and rascally little guy who

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